An Amazing Fire Escape

Thank goodness cats have nine lives! A cat (who should be named Lucky) escaped a fire in West Orange, New Jersey this weekend with several lives intact. A two-story apartment house caught fire this weekend. No humans were injured in the blaze, but firefighters feared the worst for a tenant’s cat. When the fire was finally out, firefighters found the cat — it had survived the fire inside a couch. The cat had wedged itself down into the cushions and came through the fire without injury. Owner and cat have been reunited and are currently staying with a relative. For … Continue reading

Amazing Wake Up Calls

I was taking a nap yesterday afternoon — hadn’t slept well Saturday night — under just about perfect conditions. There was a light breeze coming in through the open window and the blinds were closed enough to keep the sun out of my eyes. And then my dog Lally stepped on my head. The one drawback of liking to sleep with the windows open and feel a breeze on my face is that my bed is directly under the windows. Lally’s favorite place to look out when there’s a weird noise out front is from my bed. (Her second favorite … Continue reading

Considering Your Spouse’s Point of View

The difference between knowing and really knowing, or feeling, something is amazing. I’m the first person to tell others that a key to any relationship, but especially a marriage, is trying to think from the other person’s point of view. It’s absolutely essential in a marriage, because we are spending the rest of our lives living with this person. The more we try to understand how our spouse thinks, the better off we’ll be. I know this, and yet it’s so hard for me to act on it. For example: once in a while my husband has to work the … Continue reading

Bed Wars

I’ve written about dominance before — alpha dogs and omega dogs especially. And a few weeks ago, I mentioned how the balance of power in my four-legged family was shifting. For a long time now, we’ve had Bed Wars. Let me set the scene. (A black sky, white stars sparkling. Text scrolls upwards, a la Star Wars.) A long time ago, in a bedroom far, far away, two dogs were at war over a very important piece of territory: the bed. He (or she) who ruled the bed ruled the universe. The bed was a land of great prosperity and … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Spooky Shriek That Pierced the Night

I never know what I’m going to get around here when it comes time to turn in for the night. Sometimes I get a peaceful, uninterrupted slumber. Sometimes I don’t. A Good Night’s Sleep Most nights I have company –Murphy. He can almost always be found sleeping at the foot of the bed. But some nights Mr. Meow comes to snuggle for a bit, other nights Tabby does, and on the rare and lucky night all three of them will join me. These are usually good nights when sleep’s plentiful. A Not So Good Night’s Sleep But then some nights … Continue reading

A Tribute To My Best Friends

I didn’t realize today was Best Friends Day until I read Courtney’s blog — thanks, Court! What a great holiday. I’ll be calling my two-legged best friends later today, but for right now, I want to focus on my four-legged best friends. As I write this, I have a dog on either side of me. Moose is smashed up against my side and looking up hopefully for a belly rub. Lally isn’t in physical contact, but every so often she lifts her head to check on me. When I’m in the office, she crams herself into the space between my … Continue reading

Mr. Meow and Tabby’s Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Mystery of the Garage

Photo by Marius Largu It seems every week Tabby develops a new disturbing behavior. If she’s not waking me up whacking the blinds at night, she’s waking me up whacking her Wiffie all over the place. In the last week she’s developed yet another obsessive quirk: desperately wanting to get into the garage. (Thankfully this one doesn’t involve waking me up at night. Heaven knows one of us Pets Bloggers has enough trouble with that sort of thing –i.e. Aimee’s Lally wake up calls.) In our other house Mr. Meow used to love when I’d prop the door open and … Continue reading

Early Morning Fun

My daughter is close to moving into her own big-kid bed, but for now she is still sleeping in a crib. As such, she calls out “Daddy, I’m awake!” in the A.M. and then, as has been tradition since a very early age, we three snuggle in bed for a good long while (although this can never really last long enough!). It is the best part of the day, without a doubt. We have a couple games we like to play in bed which are fun and help to extend this amazing time we share as a family. The Baby … Continue reading

For Those Who Parent Without A Partner

I am writing a special blog for all parents who do this gig without the help of a spouse or a significant other, or who often have a spouse who travels. My hat is off to you all. What brought this on? Simple. My husband went away on business this week and I realized just how incredibly hard this parenting job is without him there to help me. Don’t get me wrong he has been away from our family before, one time for one month while we were in the process of moving to South Carolina. However, I had the … Continue reading