Lighting Your Aquarium

Aquarium enthusiasts know just how important lighting is in a tank, both for aesthetic reasons and for the health of the organisms found therein. But this article isn’t for them, it’s for people considering a fish tank habitat, and who need to know everything to consider when putting one together. Months ago I did a general overview on how to choose an aquarium, but today I’ll focus on a more specific aspect: the lighting. I’m going to limit my article today to lighting considerations for fish aquariums. Reptiles and amphibians usually need very specific types of light and that’s something … Continue reading

Choosing an Aquarium

Many different types of pets reside in aquariums, from fish to reptiles to amphibians. Your pet will likely spend the rest of its life in this little box, so you want to make sure you make a good decision when purchasing your aquarium. How does one go about doing that? If I decided today that I wanted a turtle, for example, I’d have no idea what sort of aquarium to purchase for it. I’d need research or help to determine what I should buy. That’s the key: be informed, or seek the help of someone who is. Chances are if … Continue reading

Dealing with Aquarium Surface Scum

Keeping aquarium pets is a lot more work than some people expect. There’s a lot of cleaning that goes into keeping your tank-dwellers happy and healthy! So what happens if you start to get a weird scum on the surface of your tank water? Before you can fix the problem, it helps to know the cause. An oily film on the surface of the water could come from: Oily fish food. Some frozen fish foods are very oily, and can leave a residue on the water’s surface. Changing fish food brands may make a big difference! Oily people food. If … Continue reading

Aquarium Maintenance

Very few pets are of the “set it and forget it” variety. They need constant care to stay happy and healthy! Keeping an aquarium clean and safe for your fish can take quite a bit of work… but it’s worth it! Daily checks should include: Observing the fish. Watch for signs of illness, including breathing difficulty, discoloration, and weird growths. Watch how your fish interact with each other. Check temperature and filtration system. A thermometer stuck to the glass or hanging from the top of the tank is a quick and easy way to make sure the water is comfortable … Continue reading

More Tropical Aquarium Tips

Keeping an aquarium can be a rewarding hobby — but it isn’t easy! These tips can help your fish stay happy and healthy in your tank. Caring for your fish starts BEFORE they enter the tank. You need to acclimate your fish before they enter your aquarium. Place the fish and the water from the bag into an empty and clean five gallon bucket. Add one cup of water from your aquarium every ten minutes for an hour. After an hour or so, the fish will be acclimated to your tank water and ready to move into the aquarium. Add … Continue reading

Tropical Aquarium Tips

Here are some tips to help keep your aquarium running smoothly from start to finish. Starting an aquarium hobby isn’t easy — and it doesn’t happen quickly. You’ll need to take a few weeks to prepare the tank and water before you add any fish. Get the biggest tank you can afford — and the biggest tank that can fit in your space. A larger aquarium usually means the water parameters will be more stable. Water temperature also stays more stable in a bigger tank. Make sure you know and understand the nitrogen cycle. Always use your water test kit … Continue reading

What Is In Your Tank Water?

The water in your tropical aquarium is more than just hydrogen and oxygen — there is a lot of other stuff going on in your tank. Understanding some basics will help you provide a safe and healthy environment for your fish. There are two types of bacteria that may live in your tank: aerobic and anaerobic. The aerobic kind of bacteria needs oxygen to live. The anaerobic kind of bacteria can live without (or just does not need) oxygen. You will want to invest in an aquarium testing kit (or separate kits to test for separate things) that checks for … Continue reading

Tropical Fish Basics

An aquarium can be a lovely addition to a home or office; the sight of colorful fish and the sound of water can be fascinating and very calming. Here are some tips to get you started with a tropical aquarium. In general, you can have one inch of fish per gallon of water. Be sure to think about the adult size of your fish, not just the juvenile size! Avoid overcrowding your tank — this increases the frequency of tank maintenance and can make your fish uncomfortable. With larger sized fish, you may want to provide two or three gallons … Continue reading

Wall Art or Fish Tank?

As I mentioned in my article, Shopping the Sales: Cool Christmas Clearance for Pet Lovers, I’d like to have an aquarium some day. I was thinking along the lines of a basic fish bowl, some rocks, one fish, maybe a sunken treasure or castle or something for decoration. That was until I saw the AquaVista 500. I stumbled across it in a magazine, but when I went to the product maker’s website I discovered they’ve been featured on the CBS’s The Early Show and HGTV’s I Want That. I can see why, they have a pretty neat product. Now, in … Continue reading

Sassy Sinks

I am a big fan of the Food Network and subsequently have become a big fan of Paula Deen (“Paula’s Home Cooking”). She is affectionately known as the queen of southern cuisine and home cooking and has made quite a name for herself in recent years. A few months ago she expanded her “empire” by creating her own magazine, “Cooking with Paula Deen.” I picked up a copy the other day and found it also offers decorating tips for your home and office. The most recent issue features a tour of the powder rooms in Deen’s Savannah, Georgia home. While … Continue reading