Taming Chore Wars

When it comes to handing out chores and dividing up housework, we are usually pretty arbitrary about it. Usually Mom makes a list of jobs and starts assigning, this is destined to fail. A better idea is to make a list, a real list, not just clean the bathroom, pick up your room, help with dishes. A list of everything that needs to be done. There are things that need to be done once a day, once a week and once a month, all of these need to go on the list. Once you have your list sit down as … Continue reading

The Macaroni and Cheese Wars

My mother-in-law and I have a difference of opinion about Macaroni and Cheese recipes. I like to put all sorts of different cheese into it and either cook it in the crockpot or bake it in the classic style. She likes to use only Velveeta and cook it over the stove. Hmm, the problem in my smugness, is the kids and my husband usually prefer her version. I have a hard time letting go of my holier than thou attitude about Macaroni and Cheese recipes, but I have to face the music that my version, while perhaps a bit healthier, … Continue reading

Celebrating a Second Anniversary as a Pets Blogger

Two years ago today I officially started on with Families.com as one of their newest Pets Bloggers. Ironically enough, two years later on my anniversary date, here I’ve turned in my two weeks notice. (I just realized as I started writing this that I did that on my start date anniversary.) It’s been a good ride, a very fun ride, and an amazingly informative one. I’ll still be around for the next couple of weeks, but I wanted to take a moment and reflect on some of my favorite blogs from the past couple of years. A Few of My … Continue reading

Chore Wars: A New Way to Do Housework

Is there a way to making cleaning more fun? When I first heard of Chore Wars, I admit that I was a little skeptical. Sure, it might be effective for a day or two, but would it really have any long-term effect on the housework? In this blog post, I’ll share information about Chore Wars. What is Chore Wars? Chore Wars is an online “game” that keeps track of chores that you do around the house and rewards you in a very simplified manner. It uses a sort of Dungeons and Dragons type model in that you form a party … Continue reading

Katie Wars

When I last posted about the Katie Couric drama brewing at CBS News things weren’t looking too good for the perky anchor. Ratings for the former “Today” star have been the worst in CBS News history and practically every newspaper and news website around has Couric bolting from the eye network to CNN where she will reportedly take over for the retiring Larry King. Well, now the tide might be changing at CBS (though, I highly doubt it since new reports indicate that CBS wants CNN’s hunky anchor Anderson Cooper to replace Couric) given a recent surprise visit to the … Continue reading

Bed Wars

I’ve written about dominance before — alpha dogs and omega dogs especially. And a few weeks ago, I mentioned how the balance of power in my four-legged family was shifting. For a long time now, we’ve had Bed Wars. Let me set the scene. (A black sky, white stars sparkling. Text scrolls upwards, a la Star Wars.) A long time ago, in a bedroom far, far away, two dogs were at war over a very important piece of territory: the bed. He (or she) who ruled the bed ruled the universe. The bed was a land of great prosperity and … Continue reading

The Pacifier Wars

Over the years, there has been a tug of war between proponents of the pacifier versus those who are against the pacifier have swung the pendulum back and forth. When my daughter was born, pacifiers were recommended against (especially if you were breastfeeding) and now once again the pendulum is swinging back to be in favor of the pacifier including as an aid to help reduce the changes of SIDS. Pro Pacifier On the pro pacifier side of the fence, there are the medical studies that suggest the babies sucking reflex helps to prevent SIDS. The pacifier is a great … Continue reading

More Thoughts on the Disney-Lucasfilm Buyout

Now I’ve had some time to think about it, I have more sophisticated thoughts about the Disney-Lucasfilm buyout. The idea that I’m struggling with the most is that Disney wants to keep releasing more films every few years into infinity. One day soon, the original trilogy will be buried under a pile of new films, and I just feel so strange about that. According to George Lucas, the script treatments for episodes 7-9 are totally original; they won’t follow any specific plots from the novelized extended universe. Disney’s most likely going to follow Lucas’ scripts, but if it keeps making … Continue reading

Back-to-School Drama

As if parents don’t have enough to worry about as back-to-school season gets underway. Apparently, finding ways to pay for a mountain of school supplies, worrying about bullies on the bus, cajoling kids into bed at night and out in the morning, packing lunches, prepping outfits and finding the perfect bag, is not nearly enough for parents to deal with as September rolls around. Of course not. Now, we also have to figure out how to protect our kids from their own backpacks. Thanks to a new report published by the Center for Health, Environment and Justice, moms and dads … Continue reading

2012 Olympic Opening Ceremonies

Did you catch the opening ceremonies for the Olympics last evening? There were representatives from 202 countries parading for all of the world to see, and the Queen jumped out of a helicopter. I kid you not on that last part. The ceremonies started off with a video of Queen Elizabeth boarding a helicopter to get from Buckingham palace to the Olympic stadium. Along the way, she waved to her fans and they waved back. Tuning in a few minutes last, I first wondered if this was going to be a commercial for Great Britain, a sort of tourist piece. … Continue reading