Bringing Up Ziggy: Conclusion

Andrea Campbell with Ziggy, photo courtesy of Ms. Campbell and used with her permission In Part One of my interview with Andrea Campbell, we talked about how it was she came to be a foster monkey-mom to Ziggy, a capuchin monkey. In Part Two she dished about monkeys in the home. We conclude the series with Ms. Campbell answering questions about all the ways Ziggy impacted her life. Courtney Mroch: What was your biggest trial with Ziggy? Andrea Campbell: “Biggest trial” I keep saying to myself. Hmmm . . . there are so many to choose from. Okay, give me … Continue reading

And I Thought Declawing Was Bad?

Once upon a time in our household, there was the question of whether or not to declaw Tabby. So far the “not to declaw” camp (a.k.a. mine) is winning. But once in a while (like lately when Tab’s paying a little too much attention to the carpet on the stairs) Wayne’s camp raises the issue again. However, Tab need not worry about me doing anything to her claws other than trimming them. (Something I haven’t done in a while and why her paying attention to the carpet is posing a problem.) The whole to declaw or not debate sprung to … Continue reading

How Do Monkeys Keep Their Nails Clipped?

Do they even have nails to keep clipped? These are the type of burning questions that keep me up at night. (Okay, they don’t keep me up at night. But I was thinking about it before I drifted off last night.) So I did some cursory Internet searching today and found that apes and most monkeys do in fact have nails, but some have claws. I could not find any mention of how they keep them trimmed. While clever, I’m fairly certain no ape or monkey colony has come up with a nail salon out in the wild. But if … Continue reading