Treating Your Pup’s Mosquito Bites

We have a mosquito infestation in our yard. It’s not nearly as bad as it was last year; our dry spring gave the pests less places to breed. Still, once the season’s started I can barely enjoy my yard, even on cool days, because sitting still out on the porch leads to multiple bites in minutes. I’m not the only one susceptible to mosquito bites; my dog gets them too. I think she got a bite sometime last week, because she’s been particularly itchy at one spot on her side. She chews it and scratches it all of the time, … Continue reading

Things Veterinarians Hate

Going to the veterinarian can be a harrowing experience, even if it’s just for a routine checkup. But few cats like the vet, and even the dogs that do usually have a hard time behaving when there are just so many interesting smells around. Knowing precisely what vets need from us as pet owners can help make the experience that much smoother. Veterinarian Patty Khuly posted a list on website VetStreet of the seven things pet owners do that drive vets crazy. Knowing to avoid these bad habits could help make your next vet visit easier. The list is as … Continue reading

Grooming Doom Resumed

As close to the outdoors as he wants to get Recently we introduced Chrestomanci to outdoor grooming sessions. He was tense in my arms as I carried him into the front yard, but no worse than Cole usually is so I didn’t think anything of it. I should have. As soon as I placed him on the grass for my husband to brush, he bolted. Chihiro immediately took off after him. My husband ran after Chrestomanci, while I grabbed the dog and put her inside. While I doubt she was the sole or even a main reason why Chrestomanci ran, … Continue reading

Poor Itchy Puppy

Scratch my belly, please Unfortunately, Chihiro’s health saga has continued. At least nothing is so wrong with her that we need to take her to the vet or spend a lot of money, but it’s annoying that we have to keep treating her for various maladies. At least I can blog about her troubles to share tips with you should any of your dogs ever have similar problems. Chihiro’s always been an itchy dog. Early this year the vet confirmed that she has an inverted vulva, a disorder that’s apparently somewhat common with mixed breed dogs. That means she has … Continue reading

Pet Obesity

We hear a lot about human obesity, but what about pet obesity? For me it’s a lot simpler to keep my dog in shape by not feeding her too much than to keep myself in shape and ignore that extra slice of cake. Pet obesity, however, is on the rise in America. MSNBC has the details on a 2009 veterinarian survey revealing that 45% of dogs and 58% of cats nationwide are overweight. I’m definitely surprised by these numbers; I expected lower for dogs. I think it’s easier to make sure my dog gets enough exercise than figuring out how … Continue reading

Do You Feed Your Dog People Food?

Not as innocent as she looks I’ve always fallen somewhere in the middle ground of the should dogs have people food debate, between those I know who never let their dogs have the smallest morsel of human food, and those who (and I’ve actually seen this) will feed their pets several hot dogs at a cookout. I think my stance on the issue was born in part out of laziness. Having a dog has certainly ruined me when it comes to cleaning up after myself in the kitchen. Whenever food falls to the floor during meal preparation, my first instinct … Continue reading