It’s Food Allergy Awareness Week

This week, from May 13 -19, 2012, is Food Allergy Awareness Week. The purpose of this week is to spread awareness of how serious certain types of food allergies can be. Let’s make the world a little bit safer for people who have food allergies that can result in anaphylaxis and death! Food Allergy Awareness Week was first created in 1998 by the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN). Now is the time to educate people about food allergies. There are many children and adults who cannot simply walk into a restaurant, order something off the menu, and reasonably expect … Continue reading

What Kinds of Foods Don’t Have Gluten?

One of the things that people who have gluten allergies must do is learn about the types of foods that do not contain gluten. I have other food allergies, so I knew the process that would be involved in making this discovery. Realizing that I had to avoid foods with gluten meant relearning what was “safe” for me to eat. After doing some research about all of the foods that contain gluten I was left with the distinct impression that there was no longer anything left that would be safe for me to eat. It felt as though everything contained … Continue reading

Why I Love the Baby Food Aisle at Babies R Us

As a mom of a toddler who has food allergies, I am always on the lookout for snack options. My son is allergic to multiple foods, which rules out most of the popular go-to items that most moms keep in the diaper bag, like Gold Fish crackers or animal crackers. For a long time, I relied on cereals like Cheerios, Rice Chex and Kashi Heart to Heart to act as substitutes for crackers and picked cereals like Trix to replace cookies. Rice, wheat and corn based cereals often do not contain milk, soy, eggs or nuts, which are the foods … Continue reading

Types of Vegetarians

Vegetarian is a broad term used to describe someone who does not eat meat. When we think of eating in a vegetarian vain, we simply omit the meat and believe that qualifies. Many shy away from vegetarian diets because they are unwilling to give up meat, fish or eggs. Often becoming a vegetarian is looked at as a radical and constrictive lifestyle change that is difficult to manage. However, what you may not realize is that under the heading of “vegetarian” there are different types and some of those types allow for items you may thought previously would not be … Continue reading

Ask a Pets Blogger: Hunger Strike!

I have a seventeen year old cat. She’s pretty healthy for her age, but lately she’s been refusing to eat. Any ideas? When pets aren’t feeling well, they can be REALLY good at hiding it. So one of the first signs many pet owners notice is appetite changes. A call or visit to the vet may be in order here, to try to figure out why she isn’t eating. Some questions your vet may ask: How long has your cat gone without food? Is your cat experiencing vomiting or diarrhea? Is your cat going to the bathroom regularly and without … Continue reading

Betta Fish Basics

If you’re interested in a colorful aquarium pet, betta fish are a popular choice. Maybe you’ve seen rows of little glass jars at the pet store, each one with a bright, flowing-finned fish inside? Those were probably betta fish. The betta fish (otherwise known as Betta Splendens or the Siamese Fighting Fish) comes from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and parts of China. In the wild, the betta fish is found in rice paddies, swampy areas, shallow ponds, and some slow moving streams. The waters here are warm — between 75 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit (24-30 degrees Celsius). In waters … Continue reading

Healthy Foods You May Not Eat

Foods that are staples in other parts of the world may not be on your nutrition radar here. Let’s look at a few foods that you may be ignoring! Cabbage is an amazing cancer-fighter. Certain compounds in cabbage can actually detoxify cancer cells and interfere with the formation of cancerous substances. Other cruciferous veggies (like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and turnips) can help protect your body against certain types of stroke, several kinds of cancer, diabetes, and cognitive impairment. Sweet potatoes are full of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6. Lentils (and other legumes, like … Continue reading

Raising Your Own Fish Food

You don’t have to run to the pet store if you want to feed your fish live food — you can raise your own at home! Some fish are predators that mainly eat other fish. So what can you feed them? Goldfish are a traditional feeder fish, but they are bony and have tough scales. Only very large predators can actually eat them! Guppies are smaller and softer, so more predators can enjoy the feast. However, guppies only have an average of thirty babies per month, so your predators may not get enough to eat or your bearing females may … Continue reading

Tips For Choosing Fish

Over the past few weeks, I’ve taken a look at some easy “beginner” fish if you’re new to the aquarium hobby. Some popular starter fish include zebra danios, platy, gold and cherry barbs, and tetra. But as the old saying goes, there are many fish in the sea. And out of the sea! With such a wide variety of fish available at your local aquarium shop, pet store, or online retailer, how do you choose the best fish for your tank? Doing your research can make a big difference. If you know as much as possible about a particular species … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Oct 15-21

October’s speeding along at a frightfully fast pace. Before you know it Halloween will be here. If you’re having a heck of a time keeping up on everything, including the Pets Blog, let me be of some assistance with this week’s Week in Review. Here’s what Aimee and I covered on: Monday, October 15 Aimee’s been doing a good job covering all things fish this month. Today’s installment was More Common Freshwater Diseases. I reported on the dog days festival that Murph, Wayne, and I went to. Tuesday, October 16 Aimee explained that cloudy aquarium water is not normal and … Continue reading