Gross, Dust Mites!

A little dust never hurt anyone. Have you heard someone say that or perhaps you have uttered those same words? The problem with this line of thinking is that we are forgetting something very important. Dust isn’t just an unpleasant part of a home, or a nuisance to take care of. It is a microscopic bug. Doesn’t that just crawl under your skin? Puts things in a new perspective, doesn’t it? Dust mites can be found throughout the home. And not just in the dusty corners of your room, but they can live in your mattress, carpet and furniture. What … Continue reading

Ear Yeast Infections in Dogs

Two weeks ago my dog alarmed me by revealing, when she was in the process of scratching one of her ears, a series of both large and small scabs inside that ear. I immediately checked both, but only the right ear sported any scabs. Neither ear looked too dirty, nor displayed any immediately obvious signs of mites. Unfortunately, I was visiting friends for the weekend and thus out of town, so because it wasn’t an emergency, I could not seek any veterinary care right away. I used antibiotic ointment on her ears whenever she scratched a scab open (which happened … Continue reading

How Not to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

My dog Moose has been doing that head shake lately — the one that says ear mites might be to blame. If you’re a dog owner, you may know what I’m talking about: one ear at half mast, frantic head shaking, lots of ear scratching. A quick swipe with a baby wipe showed me that he has debris in the wonky ear. Ear mite debris is usually very dark, and looks a bit like coffee grinds. This was lighter in color, so maybe ear mites aren’t to blame. Maybe he’s got an excess of ear wax, or some other kind … Continue reading

Too Much Earwax?

In moderation, earwax is a good thing. It helps trap and move dust in the ear canal. But when you have too much earwax, your ears can get clogged. This can be uncomfortable AND make you more susceptible to ear infection. The good news is that it can be relatively easy to treat earwax issues at home. Start with simple ear irrigation: gently squirt room temperature water into your ear. Most pharmacies carry rubber ear bulbs that make irrigation quick and easy. Tilt your head to let water (and hopefully earwax) run out into the sink. Dry your ears carefully … Continue reading

Dealing with Dust Mites

Dust mites are popular… as far as allergens go. These tiny critters are to blame for allergies in a lot of people (myself included). So how do you keep the dust mites out of your upholstery and bedding? Here are some tips. Wash your pillows quarterly. Mark your calendar if you have to, but make sure you send your pillows through the washer four times per year. Wash your curtains quarterly, too. Wash your sheets and blankets at your washing machine’s highest setting. A study from South Korea found that temperatures of 140 degrees Fahrenheit killed one hundred percent of … Continue reading

Giving Your Home A New Year’s Physical

In a previous blog I addressed New Year’s resolutions and how homeowners should resolve to create a comprehensive home maintenance plan. Not only will it get 2007 off to a great start, it will likely prevent costly problems in the months to come. Sure, like many resolutions the concept may sound terrific at first, but once it’s time to actually roll up your sleeves and get to work your enthusiasm may wane and your resolution to whip your home into shape fall flat. This is where I find having a checklist and a prodding (I mean helpful) spouse comes in … Continue reading

Ear Mites

There are several types of mites that can invade the ear canals of dogs and cats. In fact, ear mites can live anywhere on an animal’s body! Although humans are not affected by ear mites, many other animals can be. Ear mites are extremely contagious and can affect dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, mice, ferrets, and other furry pets. The most common ear mite seen in puppies and kittens is otodectes cynotis. Of course, that may only be useful information if you’re going to be appearing on Jeopardy. The symptoms of ear mites are pretty easy to spot. Animals with … Continue reading

Put Kids to Work

My parents were huge proponents of the idiom:  “Idle hands are the devil’s playthings.” In other words, my mom and dad hated seeing their offspring sit around when there was work to be done.  And when you’re living in a home occupied by six people, there’s never a shortage of tasks to be completed. For me, summer meant tennis camp, swimming lessons and plenty of chores.  In my dad’s eyes, no job was too dirty for his little girl.  Looking back, I don’t begrudge my father for keeping me and my brothers busy during the dog days of summer.  In … Continue reading

Keeping the Dust Away

Throughout the years I have oftentimes heard moms say that the upkeep of their home isn’t as important as spending time with their children. While I would certainly never argue against that, I do think there still needs to be some balance. After all, if you don’t want to create health problems for your children, you will at least do something about the dust. Those who are quick to pride themselves on quality time with the children, over the inch of dust covering their furniture don’t really impress me. Dust isn’t just unpleasant to look at. It is bad for … Continue reading

Who is Jane Goodall

Every Sunday in church, the children get a handout that makes them think about how to become better, more caring people. Today’s handout listed four individuals that parents were to tell their children about. There was the Dalai Lama, Caesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, and Jane Goodall. We talked about all four, but as I was explaining who each was, I wondered how many adults know who Jane Goodall is. Goodall has spent the last 45 years of her life working with chimpanzees and it all started with a gift from her father. When Goodall was young, her father gave her … Continue reading