AAP: Breastfeeding for 2 Months Lowers Risk of SIDS

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), citing a study, states that breastfeeding for at least two months decreases the risk of SIDS. This information can help lower the rate of infant mortality. SIDS is an acronym for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. SIDS is an unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant that is less than a year old which happens while the baby is sleeping. The syndrome is also called “crib death” because the infants often die in their cribs. The AAP pointed out a study that was titled “Duration of Breastfeeding and Risk of SIDS: An Individual Participant Data … Continue reading

Tips For Adressing Common Early Breastfeeding Challenges

Even though your baby has not made his or her arrival just yet, it is not too early to educate yourself about breastfeeding. It may come as a surprise to learn that something so simple and so natural can actually be somewhat tricky to master. Unfortunately, many new moms do not realize that breastfeeding does not always happen easily right away. Don’t feel bad if you have a little trouble getting started and, more importantly, don’t give up. If you would like to breastfeed your baby, here are two of the common difficulties that you may encounter during the early … Continue reading

Tips for Post Partum Exercise

There is a lot to be said about post partum exercise. Whether the motivation is to lose pregnancy weight, get fit after baby, or to simply get back into the routine (all of these are my motivation to exercise post partum), there are a number of things that you can do to make your post partum workouts a success. First and foremost: mental preparation. You need to get it in your head that you are going to start working out as soon as you are physically able be it four weeks post partum or twelve weeks post partum. Based on … Continue reading

Tips for Flying with Pets

Every time I fly somewhere I always swear I’m never going to do it again. It’s not so much being in the plane itself, but all the stress that comes with it: baggage check, connecting flights, delayed flights, etc. Attempting to cruise the skies with pets adds another major burden to the process. I have a friend here in Maryland who is a cat lover. She adores getting to cat-sit for friends. But she’s a British citizen who will be going home in a few years, and she won’t get a cat for herself until she does so. It’s all … Continue reading

Feeding Time in A Multiple Cat Household

It’s been about a month since I acquired Chrestomanci, so I’ve begun to learn how this whole multiple cat thing household works. Given my trepidation over a couple issues, like feeding and litter box time, I thought I’d share the tips I’ve learned for others thinking about adopting a second cat. My biggest concern when thinking about getting another cat was how to manage feeding time. Food has always been an issue with me with cats. Dogs are easy; most gobble their dinners down right away so that makes it much easier to regulate their diets. Cats, however, are another … Continue reading

Tips to Help Allergic Children Avoid Gluten

Gluten allergies are something that should be taken seriously. If you just discovered that your child is allergic to gluten, then your family is about to experience some big changes. It can be overwhelming to try and figure out how to avoid feeding your child food that contains gluten. Here are some tips to help you do that. I recently discovered that I have a gluten allergy. This is not something I am happy about, because it means I will have to give up eating many of the foods that I really liked. Fortunately, I am an adult, which means … Continue reading

Tips for Eating Well on a Tight Budget

It’s no secret that I like food. I love to cook, and I enjoy preparing healthy and delicious meals for my family. The biggest challenge in getting food on the table around here is our budget. We want to eat tasty, wholesome foods but like many families, we have a fairly limited grocery budget. Today I decided to look into things that families can do to help their grocery dollars stretch as far as possible without sacrificing nutrition or taste. Anyone can slash their grocery bill by eating a lot of ramen noodles and other cheap, heavily processed foods. The … Continue reading

When Your Child Needs a Feeding Tube

For children with certain conditions, like cystic fibrosis, gaining weight can be a challenge. For some children, the final step to helping them gain or maintain an adequate, healthy weight may be a feeding tube. If this is the case for your child, you may be feeling overwhelmed by your own emotions and unsure of how to introduce the feeding tube to your child. Here are some tips to help you all get through the transition and be comfortable with the decision to get a feeding tube. First, it has probably taken a lot of consideration, research and late nights … Continue reading

Tips for Healthy Eating While Pregnant

Half the battle of eating healthy while you are expecting is figuring out what to buy and what to cook. Many of us are all too familiar with the interior of the grocery store: skillet meals, frozen dinners, boxed meals, canned lunch, cereal, pasta mixes and other prepackaged foods make up a large part of our American diet. We may take a detour through the produce section for onions or a head of iceberg lettuce, but most of us wouldn’t know where to begin if we were restricted to the perimeter of the store; and yet that is where healthy … Continue reading

More Travel Tips: Now for 4 Months!

As Christmas approached my wife and I knew that we had yet another task ahead of us: travel. Our invitable 15 hour trip loomed over our heads like a dark cloud. We knew, however, that at the end of the cloud would be much greater than a silver lining. We would find warm beds, clean towels, and more smiles and hugs than we are able to give each other at home for lack of additional arms. The last time we embarked on this epic journey we were able to complete the trip in a single day… would the same be … Continue reading