Cats and Their Glands: A Very Stinky Problem

A secret stink bomb Those of us with dogs know that some aspects of canine ownership can be really gross. One of the worst has to do with scooting: when our dogs do this, it means they’ve got a build-up in their anal glands that they’re looking to relieve. Ew. We can either let our dogs slowly relieve themselves over time, give them a hand (more ew…), or have a veterinarian or groomer do it. My husband always handles this for our dog; he says it’s not so bad, and I’m happy to let him do it. I’ve made it … Continue reading

How to Keep Pets Off Furniture

I decided I liked everyone on the sofa more than off We might love our pets but that doesn’t mean we want to let them go anywhere they want in the house. For example, both my cat and my dog aren’t allowed upstairs because I’m a light sleeper and they tend to keep me up by making a lot of noise in my bedroom. Far more common, however, is the practice of keeping your pets off of your furniture. Unless you’re willing to spend either the time or money to properly groom your pet or have a professional do it … Continue reading

Finding and Eradicating Pet Odors

I’ll leave scents in both obvious and hidden places Spring cleaning season might be over, but it’s never too late for some tips on how to keep your house fresh and free of pet odors. Today I have some tips on what to do if you notice unpleasant pet smells around your house. Advice for how to deal with a smelly pet is simple: if you have a pet that regularly stinks, bathe it as often as needed. If you continue to have trouble there might be a health issue, so take your pet to the veterinarian, or at least … Continue reading

When to Extend the Animal Family

I need a canine friend My husband and I want another dog. Whenever we go to the dog park, we always come away wishing that we had another dog for Chihiro to play with. Cole has his companion, so it would be nice if she had one too. Also, having two dogs and two cats just seems like the right amount of pets for me. Jonathan and I did seriously talk about whether or not we wanted another dog. As I’ve mentioned before, we ultimately decided that it would be better to wait a while. We still take frequent overnight … Continue reading

Taking Advantage of a Springlike Day

It has been unseasonably warm here lately. Today I think the high was 56, it’s February in Utah but please don’t tell old man winter, I’m ok with him skipping us this year. It was so warm today that I got a bit of a spring cleaning bug. Now I know this won’t last but I do want to enjoy it while I can. There are several things that I can do when the weather is nice that just makes my home seem that much cleaner. It is nice to have these little things done when it gets cold again, … Continue reading

Combating Canine Motion Sickness

“Do you want to go for a ride in the car? Want to go for a ride?” Dog owners know that these words, or some variations of them, can be like magic for our canine friends. They perk up instantly when hearing them. That’s the case with my dog, although it shouldn’t be. She cocks her head when I say these words, though that’s due to my tone of voice, the one I usually use when asking her about eating or going out. If she knew what I meant she’d be much less excited. You see, Chihiro hates riding in … Continue reading

Baby’s Animal Fur Allergies

Bringing a new baby home to a house with pets can be nerve-wracking. One might be concerned with how the pets will react to the child. Even if a pet doesn’t seem jealous of the baby, will it know to be gentle enough around the infant? Will exposing a newborn to a house with pets, and the many allergens they release, cause the child to grow up with sensitivity to that animal? Earlier this year I covered the former concerns in depth. Today I’m going to look at the latter: are children who grow up in a home with pets … Continue reading

Skunk: A Most Odious Encounter

Late last Saturday night my dog had that most unfortunate of meetings: with a stinky skunk. I’m ashamed to say that in my rush to do something about the horrid scent coming off of Chihiro, I didn’t think clearly. My husband and I should have hosed her off and applied treatment outside, but instead we brought her inside to the spare tub. We made her wait in the yard until we had the de-skunking mixture ready, but her trip through the house left awful scents that lingered for days. One good thing I can say is that the hydrogen-peroxide, baking … Continue reading