Further Things to Take Into Consideration with Deaf and Disabled Pets

At the end of January I got an email from Izzy Forman with 360i on behalf of a company called Petside.com in regards to some deaf dog articles I’d written earlier that month. She wanted to let me know about their recently launched “Pets with Disabilities” series that had a section devoted to deaf pets. Initially, my main focus for researching deaf dogs was how to train them. That’s what my friend needed help with for her puppy. But the Petside.com articles took a few other things into consideration aside from training. Things to make living with a deaf or … Continue reading

The Problem with Show Dog Science

I’ve long known certain dogs were specifically bred with others to get desired traits, but I hadn’t realized how far back it had all started. Which is pretty remarkable considering science hasn’t always been as advanced as it is now. A few months back I caught part of an episode called “Science of a Dog” on the National Geographic Channel which addressed the topic in depth. It was about how certain breeds have come to be, why, and where they go from here. Because for some breeds their health-future isn’t too bright. That was a really sad part of the … Continue reading

Would You Make a Good Parent for a Deaf Pet?

I really took my quest to heart in regards to finding information about training deaf dogs for my friend who found out she’d adopted a deaf puppy. In addition to finding information on the Internet, I also posted a request for help in the Pets forum. Interestingly, several Families.com family members responded that either they’ve had deaf pets or knew of people who did. Not just dogs, but also cats and even a ferret was mentioned. The one thing that wasn’t mentioned was getting rid of any kind of deaf pet. Everyone who shared stories of deaf pets mentioned how … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for January 7-13

Last week was the first full week of 2008. Resolutions were set and being tackled full force. Which meant Aimee and I were busy bringing you a bunch of interesting articles. In case you missed any part of last week due to tending your resolutions, here’s what we wrote on: Monday, January 7 Why Does My Pet Play in His Water Bowl? If you have a cat like my Mr. Meow who definitely plays in his water bowl, Aimee provided insight into this mysterious phenomenon. Is Your Cat Stressed? Aimee listed some signs to look for that your cat may … Continue reading

How Do You Get a Deaf Dog’s Attention When He’s Not Looking at You?

Who knew my friend asking me an innocent question the other night about the little deaf puppy she’d adopted would spark so many questions on my end? But it did, because I’ve never had a dog with a disability and I couldn’t help but wonder, “What would you do in X, Y, and Z circumstances?” For instance, I wondered how you’d train a deaf dog? Turns out, it’s not all that much different from training a hearing-able pooch. Sure, you do have to rely more on hand signals, but you can be creative! Either with inventing your own hand signals … Continue reading

How Do You Train a Deaf Dog?

Yesterday I wrote about my friend who found out her dog is deaf. She had asked me if I knew anything about training a deaf dog, so I looked into it. I searched online for resources on the topic, and I also posted a request for help in the forums. The result? A wealth of information! Training Techniques TOUCH Both the replies in the forum and the Deaf Dog Education Action Fund emphasized how important physical contact, like pats and petting, is to training deaf dogs. Which makes sense. When one sense is out of commission the others have to … Continue reading

Finding Out Your Dog is Deaf

Last night Wayne and I played volleyball with a group of folks who regularly meet on Tuesday nights at this one school gym. We’d had a little hiatus due to the holidays so everyone was excited to see each other and there was a lot of catching up going on. One of my friends, Lyn, who I also play volleyball with in another league, had gotten a dog shortly after Thanksgiving. Princess Sophia. I want to say she’s a Jack Russell but I’m not one hundred percent on that. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her in person. I’ve … Continue reading

Make Reunions Happen: Be a Noble Foster

My old neighborhood was full of military families, due to the large naval base nearby. Aside from the license plates from myriad states, military-related bumper stickers, and the occasional person in some kind of uniform, it was just like any other neighborhood. That included the large number of pets in many of the homes. Another thing we saw a lot in our development was moving trucks. That’s just a fact of life in a military town. Once in a while mine or another rescue is contacted by a moving family that can’t take their pet where they’re going. These families … Continue reading

Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Day: August 12

Petfinder.com has declared August 12th “Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Day”. For all the overlooked pets in shelters, this day’s for you! What constitutes a “less-adoptable” pet? Petfinder asked their member shelters which pets were the hardest to place. 30% of responders had the hardest time finding homes for senior pets 15% of shelters had a difficult time adopting out pets with health issues 13% of Petfinder shelters had problems with breed prejudices (and many shelters mentioned pit bulls specifically as being hard to adopt because of breed prejudice) 10% of responders had difficulty placing pets who need to be the … Continue reading

Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Sleeping Like the Dead

Is your pet a deep sleeper? My two dogs tend to be pretty light sleepers. (The exception being when either dog is dreaming and “running” at the same time. That seems to be the deepest sleep for them.) I would think that since pets tend to have far more sensitive ears than humans do, they would sleep very lightly. (At least compared to sleeping humans.) But I guess it really depends on the pet. A coworker at the cats-only boarding facility was telling me a story about a deeply sleeping guest who gave her a scare. The cat in question … Continue reading