Heatstroke in Pets

With the approach of summer, we pet owners need to start thinking about how our animal family members might be affected by the heat. Pets that go outside, particularly dogs and cats, face danger from heatstroke. In fact, even when an animal isn’t technically outdoors it can still get heatstroke if left in the car. I admit I’ve been guilty once or twice of leaving my dog in the car for “just a few minutes” in fair weather. Here’s the thing: according to a Stanford University study, a parked car on a sunny 70-degree day can reach dangerous internal temperatures. … Continue reading

Dealing with Occasional Dizziness

There are different types of dizziness — some that require a doctor’s attention. But if you experience occasional, mild bouts of dizziness, you probably don’t have to worry too much. Here are some tips to help you overcome occasional bouts of mild dizziness. Focus on a fixed point. If a sudden bout of dizziness comes on, find something still to look at. This will give your brain visual information about balance — that window frame or bookshelf isn’t moving so maybe the floor ISN’T off-kilter. If dizziness attacks in a moving vehicle, try to find a steady point on the … Continue reading

Two Upset Tummies (and One Upset Aimee)

Over the weekend, I noticed that Moose wasn’t feeling well. My first indication? He threw up in the office. That was just the beginning of what has turned into a very long few days of recurring barf and poop. I was sure at first that Moose’s upset tummy was the result of scarfing down those chicken bones in the parking lot. I cooked up some rice and chicken broth and hoped things in digestion-land would settle down. By Monday morning, Moose seemed to be feeling better. I started mixing kibbles in with the rice and broth. But I was being … Continue reading

Treating Your Dog’s Diarrhea

Once upon a time Aimee wrote an article about her adventures with POOPAPALOOZA 2006. (Which is pretty darn amusing by the way. Gross, but amusing.) At any rate, I was reminded of that article when Murph had major tummy troubles recently. Thankfully Murph did not follow Moose’s lead and leave any “Lake Poop-eriors” anywhere. He’s pretty good about pestering us mercilessly to let him out if we’re around to pester. Which is good, because he was dealing with some pretty nasty, messy, runny poop. And a lot of it. I ended up taking him to the vet because the things … Continue reading

Dealing with Doggie Diarrhea

Since seven o’clock Friday morning Murph’s had diarrhea. (Or what I like to call “ookie belly.”) Thankfully he’s extremely awesome about telling us he needs to go out and he needs to go out now. Yesterday morning it was every hour or two he’d need to make an emergency visit to the backyard. (Thankfully he’s also very good about going back there and coming right back in since we don’t have a fence.) Murph’s a muncher and every so often finds who knows what on our walks when either Wayne or I isn’t paying attention. He has a little diarrhea … Continue reading

More Devoted Than He Is

Lyn recently wrote an article examining spouses and support. She was wondering about times when life throws us some whopper dodge balls that sting like mad because we absolutely cannot avoid getting hit by them. They’re defining times. Times when we’re faced with heart-wrenching challenges and changes that test our vows. Think lay-offs. Near-fatal car accidents that leave a loved one or ourselves mauled or mutilated. Unthinkable health diagnoses. In short, we find out if our spouse will indeed “do” and be by our side in sickness, for poorer, until death. Once upon a time I wrote an article elaborating … Continue reading

The Top Pets Blogs of 2007: January – May

Aimee and I, along with the occasional guest blogger, tried our best to bring you informative, interesting, and entertaining articles this past year. But you seemed to like some more than others. So I decided to do a Year in Review recap of the ones that you responded most to. What Makes a “Top” Blog? Even though you all may enjoy most of the blogs we write, not all of them inspire you to leave comments or rate them. Those that received star ratings made the Top Blogs cut. January 2007 Top Blogs Assistance Dogs of the West and The … Continue reading

Fur Coats and No Air Conditioning

We haven’t really needed air conditioning in the new apartment — things have been pretty mild this summer in the Portland, Oregon area. I’m not trying to gloat; I know things have been hot and humid around the rest of the country. All in all, we haven’t needed to worry about air conditioning. There have been a few days here and there that have passed 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Today feels like it’s going to be a hot one. So how do we deal with the heat without having an air conditioner? Plenty of cool, fresh water. The drinking bowl is … Continue reading

Are Your Kids Getting Enough To Drink?

A few days ago the heat index in our neck of the woods hovered around 105 degrees. It was a scorcher. My 3-year-old daughter and I high-tailed it to the pool where we remained for the majority of the day. My daughter splashed in the pool for hours. I didn’t blame her for not wanting to come out. However, pool rules state that food items and beverages cannot be consumed in the water, which meant if I wanted my daughter to consume liquids (and stave off dehydration) she would have to exit the pool. Dilemma. From what I could see … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Apr 30 – May 6

Good morning, Families.com! Last week we bid farewell to April and Hello! to May. As usual, here’s the recap of what Aimee and myself wrote about. Monday, April 30 “Aimee? Courtney? Where are you girls?” Day off! Aimee had lots of preps underway for her upcoming cross-country moving trek. (See under May 2 for more on that.) I had family in town leaving that day. We got back on track Tuesday, though… Tuesday, May 1 When I was growing up I was taught to leave a basket of flowers on a neighbor’s door to celebrate May Day. But I decided … Continue reading