How Not to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

My dog Moose has been doing that head shake lately — the one that says ear mites might be to blame. If you’re a dog owner, you may know what I’m talking about: one ear at half mast, frantic head shaking, lots of ear scratching. A quick swipe with a baby wipe showed me that he has debris in the wonky ear. Ear mite debris is usually very dark, and looks a bit like coffee grinds. This was lighter in color, so maybe ear mites aren’t to blame. Maybe he’s got an excess of ear wax, or some other kind … Continue reading

Too Much Earwax?

In moderation, earwax is a good thing. It helps trap and move dust in the ear canal. But when you have too much earwax, your ears can get clogged. This can be uncomfortable AND make you more susceptible to ear infection. The good news is that it can be relatively easy to treat earwax issues at home. Start with simple ear irrigation: gently squirt room temperature water into your ear. Most pharmacies carry rubber ear bulbs that make irrigation quick and easy. Tilt your head to let water (and hopefully earwax) run out into the sink. Dry your ears carefully … Continue reading

The Long-Awaited Vet Visit

Yesterday I took Chrestomanci to the vet. I’d been looking forward to this for a couple reasons: one, for advice about all the feeding/misbehaving issues, and two, to compare vets. The visit was disappointing in many ways, but at least it cleared up one issue for me. First I’ll explain what issue it cleared up. I take Chihiro and Cole to a vet that’s five minutes from our old apartment, but closer to twenty-five minutes from our house. I’ve had really good experiences there. But I also have heard a lot about another veterinarian in the county, both through personal … Continue reading

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Snake Infestation?

A family in Idaho bought a house for an unexpectedly low price. They soon discovered the reason behind the discounted price. The home was infested with snakes! It made me wonder if there was any kind of insurance that could have helped this unfortunate family. Ben and Amber Sessions (and their two young children), bought what they thought was their dream home. It had five bedrooms, was in the rural countryside, and was a price they could afford. They ended up paying just $180,000 for the home. Amber was pregnant with the couple’s third child at the time, and it … Continue reading

Pet Chin Acne

A few years ago, I discovered that Lally had a plastic allergy when I saw pet chin acne. She started breaking out in little red bumps all over her muzzle. After ruling out a food allergy, the vet suggested that she might be allergic to the plastic in her bowl. We switched to a ceramic bowl and she hasn’t had any trouble since! Acne is a relatively common skin problem in cats and dogs. The problem can start at any age, and looks a lot like acne in humans — red bumps, often on the chin and lower lip. The … Continue reading

General Women’s Conference: Sister Beck’s Address

I hope you were able to attend the women’s session of general conference that was held this last Saturday night. If you weren’t, here is the first of a four-part summary for you. We began the conference with an opening address by Sister Julie B. Beck, entitled “Fulfilling the Purpose of Relief Society.” She spoke of the history of the Relief Society and how it was divinely ordained of God to be for the good of the sisters and to bring relief to all those who need it. She said, “The purpose of Relief Society as established by the Lord, … Continue reading

It Must Be Fall Allergy Time…

I don’t need to look out the window or test the temperature to know that the seasons are changing. I have two dogs with seasonal allergies! Moose’s allergies are milder. He tends to get itchy all over — I’ll catch him rolling on the floor on his back much more often when the seasons change to spring or fall. That’s when I break out the Benadryl to help ease his symptoms. Lally is my problem child when it comes to allergies. You may remember the large sore she scratched into her neck last year? She’s up to it again, and … Continue reading

Treating Your Home and Yard for Fleas and Ticks

Most of the time, treating your pets for fleas and ticks with a monthly preventative is enough to keep an infestation out of your home and yard. Most of the time. If the critters are out of control, you may have to take action to evict fleas and ticks from your home. This doesn’t mean you should stop the monthly flea and tick preventative for your pets, either! The absolute best way to keep fleas and ticks off your pets (and out of your house) is to use a preventative all year round. In some areas, where winter temperatures drop … Continue reading

Lally’s Neck Sore And…

Here’s an update on Lally and her mysterious neck sore. It wasn’t a cut or puncture from her adventures in the bushes. It wasn’t a sore from collar friction, either. Our wonderful new vet checked Lally out and found… an ear infection. Both ears have a bacterial infection. The sore was either caused by too much scratching — trying to itch the ear and irritating the neck — or from wandering bacteria from the ear. Either way, Lally has a hot spot about the size of a quarter on her neck. The folks at the vet clinic shaved away all … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine:Give As Ye Are Able

The scripture study for this week’s lesson focuses on the story of the widow’s mite. The example is well known, but I will review it. While Jesus sat against the treasury, many of the rich cast in their contributions. A widow approached and offered only two mites, a tiny sum of money in comparison. Christ lauded her for her giving, noting that “she of her want did cast in all she had.” What touched my heart was the footnote from verse 42, which cites Deuteronomy 16:17. “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the … Continue reading