Introducing Animalle Mundo: A Doggie Love Hotel

Christmas might be a holiday for familial, not romantic, love, but with this notice you might have the time to start planning so your pet can have its romantic getaway.  That’s right, a romantic getaway for your pet.  If you’re trying to breed your dog and you want to do it in style, consider Animalle Mundo Pet.  It’s a hotel in Brazil, one that keeps in tradition with the country’s ritzy amorous motels.  The New York Times reports. You can find short-stay hotels all over the world, but Brazil is a leader in both having them, and in making them … Continue reading

Silly Gourmet Pet Foods

While on a walk with my dog in a nearby town I discovered a doggie cafe. I thought that perhaps this establishment was a cafe that, if it didn’t cater to dogs, at least allowed owners to take their dogs inside. I knew this was unlikely, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a look inside. What I found, to my disappointment (but not to my surprise) was a pet supply store. The reason it called itself a cafe was tucked into a side room. There, stretching along the entire back wall, was a bakery display case filled with … Continue reading

The Long-Awaited Vet Visit

Yesterday I took Chrestomanci to the vet. I’d been looking forward to this for a couple reasons: one, for advice about all the feeding/misbehaving issues, and two, to compare vets. The visit was disappointing in many ways, but at least it cleared up one issue for me. First I’ll explain what issue it cleared up. I take Chihiro and Cole to a vet that’s five minutes from our old apartment, but closer to twenty-five minutes from our house. I’ve had really good experiences there. But I also have heard a lot about another veterinarian in the county, both through personal … Continue reading

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate

Last week I took my cat to the vet for his routine yearly checkup. I thought I might find some inspiration for an article from the trip. I did, but it turns out it’s not about my cat at all. While I was gone with my cat, I forgot to close the door to the pantry. To make a long story short, although we put several safeguards in place to prevent something like this from happening, the dog still got into some chocolate. She’s doing fine, but I thought I would share what we did, and the information we learned … Continue reading

Treats for Pets with Dietary Restrictions

When it comes to food, my two dogs are very different. Lally is the sort of dog who will only eat when she’s hungry; I could leave a bowl of food out all day and she’d regulate herself. Moose is a chow hound; he’ll eat until there’s nothing left and then eat some more. I can’t leave food out for him, because he’d never stop eating! It’s very hard to manage Moose’s weight when he never turns down food. The vet suggested that we avoid chewy snacks — they generally have a higher fat content than crunchy, dry snacks have. … Continue reading

Foods You Might Not Think of Giving to Dogs

For a while, I was making my own dog food. Check out the basic recipe here if you’re curious. Moose and Lally LOVED it, but it was taking a lot of time, effort, and money to keep it up. Gradually we switched back to dog food, but from time to time I like to supplement their kibbles with some healthy human food. Some of my favorite add-ins are: White or brown rice or oatmeal cooked in chicken broth Shredded lean chicken or turkey Mashed vegetables like carrots, peas, and string beans Plain yogurt (especially when Moose has an upset tummy) … Continue reading

Aimee’s Homemade Dog Food

Since Moose got sick last weekend (and Lally joined him a few days later), I’ve been serving them chicken, rice, and broth. Lally has always been a chicken lover, so I’m sure this is just heaven for her. Moose will eat pretty much anything that doesn’t eat him first, but I bet he likes the real stuff better than chicken in kibble-form, too! It’s started me thinking about how I would make my own dog food, if I decided to keep going the homemade route for the pups. Chicken and rice is an okay diet for an upset tummy, but … Continue reading