Forbes’ List of Pet Friendly Cities

Forbes magazine recently released their list of the most pet friendly cities in the United States. I’m proud to see my area made the top five! Here’s how they determined the best in show: Public park acreage, including dog-friendly park spaces. Number of pet supply and pet service businesses. Number of veterinarians and other care facilities. Cost for veterinary care. The Forbes folks also looked at air quality, but didn’t end up using it in determining their rankings — pets are pretty adaptable. With such short life spans, air quality generally doesn’t have as big an impact on a pet’s … Continue reading

What Makes a Great Dog Park?

The dog park here in town recently got remodeled… and it’s great. Not that it wasn’t nice before — a large, securely fenced area with a spigot for the dogs to have fresh water while they played. But it’s even better now. Improvement #1: an “airlock” style gate. Before the remodel, the park just had a gate for people and dogs to go in and out. Dogs who were already inside could crowd around the gate, and possibly escape when the gate was open. Now the gate opens into a small fenced area so you can secure the outside gate … Continue reading

American Idol’s Underdog Kris Allen

Kris Allen snuck into the final thirteen of “American Idol.” I don’t remember seeing his original audition or much, if any, of him during the famed Hollywood week. When he was announced as one of the top thirteen, I think a lot of people went “Huh?” But, Allen has proved his worth by making it to tonight’s finale. Call him the Little Singer that Could. Allen has outlasted everyone else except powerhouse Adam Lambert to make it to the finale. Allen and Lambert’s styles are quite different. Allen looks humble up on the stage no matter what he is doing, … Continue reading