Five Ways to Afford Video Games

Are your kids asking for the $70 Skylanders game or a new video gaming device that costs more than your first car did? Video games can get expensive, and because new and hot games are constantly emerging, and the old technology can become obsolete in a year or two, many parents feel like they are spending quite a bit of their budgets keeping their kids up to speed with video games. To reduce the cost of video games, try the following options. Consider an Older System The newer the gaming system or computer, the more it will cost. Consider purchasing … Continue reading

Chase Away The Chill and Plan a Family Reunion – Part 2

Now that you have decided to plan a family reunion and you have figured out who you will invite, the date of the event, and a general geographic area where the event will take place, it is time to get to the fun work of figuring out the rest of the details for the reunion. Choosing a venue for your family reunion can be a lot of fun. Of course if you are planning a summer reunion, the big question is whether to have it indoors or outdoors. Depending upon the geographic area where you will be having the reunion, … Continue reading

How Video Games Can Help Kids With Special Needs

Video games are more than just “time wasters” or an inexpensive way to have some fun. They can be used as a tool to help children who have a variety of special needs. There are adapted controllers, games designed for kids with specific special needs, and even classroom applications for video games. There are plenty of parents who would describe themselves as “gamers”. These are the people who have been playing video games since they were children, and who are still playing video games today. There are also quite a few parents who feel that all video games are a … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Video Games

How much do you spend per year on video games and video game systems? With new technology and new games coming out practically every day, it is easy to spend more money on video games than you might think. Most video games cost between $20 and $40. If you have just ten games, they could have cost you up to $400! The systems themselves cost another couple of hundred. Most households do have more than 10 games, plus they have more than one video game system, making the cost even higher. Wow–that sort of slaps you in the face, doesn’t … Continue reading

Deals on Video Games – Weekend of December 9, 2011

For some unknown reason, it seems like all the stores that sell video games have decided to have a sale this weekend. If you are looking for a gift for the gamer in your life, now might be the most economical time to do it. Just make sure you know what game your loved one would like, and what system that game goes with. Gamestop is having what sounds like an absolutely crazy deal this weekend. Buy two video games, and get a third game for FREE. This includes all their in-stock, pre-owned, video games. You can find games for … Continue reading

Gamestop Removes Coupon, Sells Game Anyway

Gamestop has done something that frugal people who appreciate the value of a good coupon will consider to be downright vile. They opened brand new boxes of a video game, removed the coupon that was supposed to be inside it, and then sold the game for the full, “new” price! It seems that you cannot be certain that the coupon that is supposed to be inside a product will actually be there. Gamestop sells new and used video games. They call the used ones “pre-owned”. Theoretically, you can bring in used copies of games that you, your spouse, or your … Continue reading

Disney at E3 and Other Video Games Update

A Kinect demo booth at this year’s E3 The E3 Video Game exhibition might be over now, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop talking about all we learned about upcoming video games. Put E3 up there for me with other conventions, like Comic Con and the D23 Expo, that I’d love to attend one day. Disney didn’t dominate E3, as the company isn’t really known for putting out much more than thrown-together movie tie-in games. Titles like “Epic Mickey” and “Kingdom Hearts” are the exceptions to the rule, though the latter doesn’t quite count because it was a … Continue reading

Great Deals on Video Games – This Weekend Only!

This weekend is a great time to buy some video games for the gamer in your life. There are special deals going on that will only be around for a couple of days. I doubt it is a mere coincidence that this weekend also happens to be the one that Father’s Day falls on. Video games seem to be something that you either love to play, or that you just don’t understand the appeal of. Historically, men tend to spend more time playing video games than women do, and they also tend to play a wider variety of games. This … Continue reading

EA Has a Sweet Deal on Games

EA is a company that makes video games. Right now, they are having their second annual “Sweet Deal”. They have slashed the prices on many games that can be played on various mobile devices. Some of these apps are free to download! Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. If your family celebrates Easter, then it is likely that you will be spending a lot of time over at the home of one of your relatives tomorrow. If you don’t live nearby, this could mean that your family will be spending hours together, in the family vehicle, with little to entertain themselves with. … Continue reading

Do Interactive Fitness Video Games Really Work?

When I first started using Wii Fit Plus, my oldest son asked if “that thing” really works. He thought it was kind of funny and not a true way to get healthy. I was convinced only because a good friend of mine had lost weight using it (along with changing her eating habits). Since I have been using it for several months now, I can definitely say that it works. How else do you explain the weight loss and inches I have taken off…or the increased energy and flexibility I have? I have been using it during the winter months … Continue reading