Thanksgiving Recipes: Vegetables

As much as your children would rather you forget them all together, vegetables are a vital part of a traditional Thanksgiving spread. While my brother’s tot will happily munch on carrots sticks (drowned in Ranch dressing) as though he were part rabbit, my preschooler needs to be bribed to take even a nibble of the crunchy orange vegetable. This is why our family meals such as Thanksgiving must include a variety of veggie dishes. The first one I’m sharing with you is the only carrot recipe my daughter will eat. Once you scan the ingredients you’ll see why. The second … Continue reading

Pavlov’s Rabbit

In honor of Rabbit Week (July 15-21), I thought it was time to tell a story of a rabbit, a girl, and a science fair. The girl was me — little Aimee. The rabbit was our family pet, Bun-bun. Bun-bun was an outside rabbit, thanks to some pretty severe animal dander allergies rearing their ugly heads in my brother and me. He had a spiffy bunny condo, made from combining two hutches into one gigantic MegaHutch with a large play space and an enclosed room at each end. One for sleeping and one for potty. Little Aimee had yet another … Continue reading