Grooming: Sanitary Clip

For long haired pets, a sanitary clip may be a good grooming option. What is a sanitary clip? A vet or groomer will remove hair from areas that can get stinky and dirty from urine and feces. The area may be entirely shaved or simply trimmed to make cleaning easier and prevent cling-ons. Who might benefit from a sanitary clip? Very young animals. Kittens, for example, learn how to groom themselves between the ages of one and four months. A sanitary clip can help keep them clean until they learn how to handle things themselves. Pregnant animals. That round belly … Continue reading

Human Preferences about Grooming

Once in a while, a long-haired guest at the cats-only boarding facility will get a little messy in the caboose region (if you get my drift). Sometimes a spot-cleaning or a full bath can take care of the problem. For repeat offenders, we often suggest a “sanitary clip” — a trim of the hair around the rump in order to help keep things clean. It doesn’t have to be a full shave — but with shorter hair in the nether regions, there’s less chance of a mess. Some owners flat-out refuse to have any sort of trim done. They like … Continue reading

Roady’s Long, Strange Trip

Lisa Pietsch is the Community Coordinator/Jack of All Trades/Boss of All Bloggers here at In a roundabout way, I got to help her find her second dog, Roady. Aimee: What inspired you to look for a second dog? Lisa: I had no intention of looking for a second dog. We’d lost a dog (Thor) just a year earlier and he had been very dear to me. I wasn’t at a point where I felt I could bring another dog into our home yet. I found Roady purely by accident. I was reviewing a blog that you had written about … Continue reading

How to Bathe a Dog That Hates Baths

In Dog Quirks: The Funny Little Things They Do I shared that one of Murphy’s quirks is that he hates baths. Which is not such a bad thing. Unlike us humans, it’s not good for a dog’s coat to be washed too frequently anyway. However, there are those times when he gets a little ripe and we’re forced to take action. Since he hates showers and baths of any manner, we have limited options. (He weighs about 65 pounds, which is very manageable most times. He is very well behaved and listens to most commands. But at the mention of … Continue reading

Bad Breath In Pets

It’s an all too common complaint: doggy breath or kitty breath! You go in for a cuddle with your furry friend and catch a whiff of breath that makes your nose want to run right off your face. What causes bad breath in pets? There isn’t any one cause. Perhaps the most common cause of death breath (or halitosis, if you want to use the technical term) is some kind of dental problem. Bacteria, food particles, and saliva can help form plaque on the teeth, which leads to bad breath. If not cleaned away, the plaque can develop into gingivitis … Continue reading