Pets Behaving Badly: Food

What’s the most outrageous thing your pet has done? That’s the question I posed to one of my online pet communities. The responses I’ve gotten have been too funny to not share! A lot of the stories dealt with food snatching — those treats that our four-legged friends just can’t resist! Marci from Michigan talked about her dog Bishop’s crazy cravings: My significant other and I have a very large African Cichlid aquarium in our bedroom. Well, one night after we went to bed, Bishop grabbed a large brand new can of fishy flakes off the dresser. He ate the … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Aug 20-26

This week Aimee and I were joined by guest blogger Valorie Delp here in the Pets Blog. Here’s what we covered on: Monday, August 20 Aimee noticed something amiss with Lally’s neck so she referred to her pet first aid training in neck sores to tend to the trouble. Tuesday, August 21 Not to be one upped by his sister, Moose had to have a blog about him too. Aimee described his newest bad habit, which is a mighty yucky one indeed. Wednesday, August 22 In a three-part series, Valorie shared her Turtles in the ‘Hood experience, starting with how … Continue reading

Why Cats Do Weird Things: Pawing Around Water

We know why cats play with their water: they paw it and lick it from their paws, to try to make their water ripple and thus seem fresher.  Cats love fresh water.  But I’ve noticed Cole sometimes do something a bit stranger than that: he paws around his water bowl.  He doesn’t actually dip his paws in, but he scratches at the floor around the water bowl.  Why is he doing that? There isn’t a clear answer as to why; a lot of cat behavior is mysterious to us.  But there are a few educated guesses out there.  The first is … Continue reading

Most Popular Pet Names of 2012

One thing we see a lot of this time of year is lists of baby names: the top baby names for the year, and names that are projected to be popular in the coming year.  What we don’t expect to see are studies of a different sort of name: dog names.  But that’s just what MSN did, compiling a list of the top puppy names for 2012. A familiar name tops the list: Bella.  It’s been a popular female dog name since 2006, thanks to the “Twilight” craze.  I can attest to that; Chihiro was originally named Bella when we … Continue reading

Balancing Your Time

Childless couples face some different problems than couples with kids, but some of our issues are the same. One problem that I think any married couple has is spending time with one another. The specifics of the problem, however, vary whether or not children are in the equation. It’s well-known that finding time, period, when you have kids is a common conundrum. Finding time to do household chores, take a shower, spend time with your spouse, and still have some alone time can all be troublesome depending how many and what age children you have. Obviously Jon and I don’t … Continue reading

Check into a Disney Character Room

I’m torn between two very different impulses when thinking about my eventual Disney World vacation. One part of me wants to keep the vacation simple, to stay in a hotel with a kitchen outside of the resort so I can save money on lodging and food. That’s the part of me that will probably win out. If I’m to afford a Disney vacation, that’s likely what I’ll have to do. But there’s another part of me, the kid still in there that’s especially pushing me to make that trip to Orlando. That part doesn’t necessarily want to go all out, … Continue reading

Alternatives to Traditional Veterinary Surgery

Real old school veterinary medicine Deciding what to do for pets that have serious medical problems is often difficult. Surgeries we wouldn’t think for a moment about getting for human family members often give us pause when they’re for our furry companions. If we don’t have pet insurance, sometimes these procedures can be too costly. They also come with a health cost to our pets. Maybe we don’t mind spending the money, but the surgery is riskier on our animals’ fragile bodies than it would be on ours. I know I dread the day I might have to make such … Continue reading

Managing Smart Dogs

Smart is often a selling point for dogs. There are certain breeds, especially those known for herding, that are generally considered the cream of the clever canine crop. Thus if you want an intelligent dog it might not be too hard to seek one out, but there are some things you need to know before adopting a brainy companion. Pet site ZooToo has some tips. The most important thing to consider first is that smart doesn’t necessarily mean easy. We think that it will; we think how nice it will be to have a dog that can fetch slippers and … Continue reading

Setting Expectations for Dog Training

Do we expect too much from our dogs? Sometimes we think that dogs should jump to obey our orders, and many dog owners soon find out that perhaps we’re not viewing dogs and how we train them in the right way. Pet website ZooToo has an overview of how the dog training process works, explaining why many of us might be going about training in the wrong way. What’s always important to remember, especially when bringing a new dog home, is that there will be a honeymoon period but that period will end. New dogs, especially ones from shelters, brought … Continue reading

Monkeys Use Brain in New Ways

If you’ve watched the news lately, you might have seen the report where two monkeys controlled a robotic arm with their minds to feed themselves. (It didn’t take two monkeys to control one arm. Each monkey controlled its own robo-arm to feed itself pieces of marshmallow or fruit.) How You Get a Monkey to Control a Robotic Arm with It’s Mind As you might imagine, it was a complicated process. Using “visualization” techniques, the study’s leader, Andrew Schwartz, showed the monkeys what he wanted them to do. Then he “mapped” their neural activity to see what cells reacted in which … Continue reading