Introducing Chrestomanci

Knowing how lonely Cole is when we leave him alone, I decided it was time to get another cat. After putting a lot of thought into it, I picked one I’d met through my experiences volunteering at the local rescue. He’s around Cole’s age and gets along with other cats. He’s a love bug; when faced with the possibility of affection he goes for it with gusto, emitting a loud rusty chain purr and mashing himself within the arms of whomever’s holding him. He’s perfect, both for Cole and for the whole family. He’s called Chrestomanci, after a character in … Continue reading

Most Popular Pet Names of 2012

One thing we see a lot of this time of year is lists of baby names: the top baby names for the year, and names that are projected to be popular in the coming year.  What we don’t expect to see are studies of a different sort of name: dog names.  But that’s just what MSN did, compiling a list of the top puppy names for 2012. A familiar name tops the list: Bella.  It’s been a popular female dog name since 2006, thanks to the “Twilight” craze.  I can attest to that; Chihiro was originally named Bella when we … Continue reading

Jealousy Between Pets

We can coexist, until you’re involved My pets get jealous of one another. Chihiro and Cole, for all that they tolerate and even sometimes enjoy one another’s company, compete for attention. Chihiro is really only competitive for attention when a) there’s food involved, or b) someone new has come over to the house. If someone’s visiting they’re not likely to get much time with the cats, because Chihiro is a bully. Even if she is ignoring the new person, she’ll suddenly come out and muscle the cats away if they try to come out and greet the visitor. She has … Continue reading

Cats and Their Glands: A Very Stinky Problem

A secret stink bomb Those of us with dogs know that some aspects of canine ownership can be really gross. One of the worst has to do with scooting: when our dogs do this, it means they’ve got a build-up in their anal glands that they’re looking to relieve. Ew. We can either let our dogs slowly relieve themselves over time, give them a hand (more ew…), or have a veterinarian or groomer do it. My husband always handles this for our dog; he says it’s not so bad, and I’m happy to let him do it. I’ve made it … Continue reading

A People Dog

My dog is a people dog. She loves people. If she can hear someone, her tail wags and butt wiggles until she’s able to see that person. Sometimes her enthusiasm gets a bit out of control; she jumps, she barks, she rolls around, until she’s able to bask in that much-desired attention. All of this is great, right? Definitely. However, Chihiro’s deep love of people – seriously, I know a lot of families with dogs and I go to the dog park and I’ve met few other dogs as desperate for human attention as Chihiro – seems to come at … Continue reading

Taking Pets to Nursing Homes

Life as a blogger can be lonely. I spend a lot of time alone in my house. Sure, I have three pets, but when I start carrying on actual half-conversations with my dog or my cats, then I know perhaps it’s time to get out a bit more. That’s why I started volunteering so much in my area. I visit various organizations multiple times a week, the local rescue included, to get out and interact with people. The very first group with which I looked into volunteering when I first moved to my area three years ago was Pets on … Continue reading

Diagnosing Litter Box Problems

They don’t always use the box right… I’ve been noticing a disturbing pattern with the litter box lately. One of the cats, I’m not sure which, has taken to peeing on the edges of the inside of the box, splattering its sides. When I did my monthly cleaning of the area yesterday I noticed additional pee on the litter mat in between the two boxes. Unfortunately there are several reasons why either of my cats might be doing this. The first reason might be because one of them has a urinary tract infection. It’s more common for cats with UTI’s … Continue reading

When to Extend the Animal Family

I need a canine friend My husband and I want another dog. Whenever we go to the dog park, we always come away wishing that we had another dog for Chihiro to play with. Cole has his companion, so it would be nice if she had one too. Also, having two dogs and two cats just seems like the right amount of pets for me. Jonathan and I did seriously talk about whether or not we wanted another dog. As I’ve mentioned before, we ultimately decided that it would be better to wait a while. We still take frequent overnight … Continue reading

When Your Cat Is A Food Thief

My cat Chrestomanci’s gluttony has continued to the point that it warrants another post. When I was trying to find ideas for how to address his overeating problems I scoured the internet for suggestions, but I didn’t find much advice. Thus I wanted to share my own experiences to help others in a similar situation. After observing the cats’ gluttony during the holidays, Jon and I performed an experiment. We’ve long suspected that Chrestomanci was eating some of Cole’s food. Usually we keep their bowls in the laundry room, which they can access via a cat door, so their food … Continue reading

Things Veterinarians Hate

Going to the veterinarian can be a harrowing experience, even if it’s just for a routine checkup. But few cats like the vet, and even the dogs that do usually have a hard time behaving when there are just so many interesting smells around. Knowing precisely what vets need from us as pet owners can help make the experience that much smoother. Veterinarian Patty Khuly posted a list on website VetStreet of the seven things pet owners do that drive vets crazy. Knowing to avoid these bad habits could help make your next vet visit easier. The list is as … Continue reading