An Impractical Solution for Separation Anxiety

If you’re a regular reader of the Pets Blog, you may have noticed that my dog Lally has a bit of a nervous personality. Sometimes, her separation anxiety causes me distress — when I get ready to leave for work, she’ll sit and shake, which makes me feel really bad about having to go out. Both Lally and my other dog, Moose, were really happy when we lived in New Jersey. Not only for the fenced-in yard (though we all loved that feature), but also because my grandmother was good company. She couldn’t drive, so she was almost always … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for July 21-27

What did Aimee and I write about during the last full week of July? In case you’re wondering because summer vacation plans kept you away from the computer, here’s the Week in Review recap. Monday, July 21 Just how much does your pet influence your lifestyle? Do you even know? Or are you well aware of their impact? Because of Aimee’s experiences with her own dogs, she learned about inflammatory bowel disease in pets and passed her knowledge on to us. Tuesday, July 22 I explained why I am absolutely loving “The Greatest American Dog!” Apparently Aimee’s become the crazy … Continue reading

Why Pets Aren’t Good Presents

This goes without saying, but you can never say it too often because it happens every year: don’t give pets as presents.  If you’re thinking about gifting a pet to someone you love this year, consider very carefully.  Pets are lifelong commitments and responsibilities, not fun presents. Now, I can think of one context in which it could be OK to give a pet for a present: if the person receiving asked for it, knew that’s what they were getting, and understood the responsibilities involved.  That means in most cases, it’s not appropriate to get pets as gifts for children: … Continue reading

Pets with Compulsive Behavior Problems

There is a cat who comes to stay at the cats-only boarding facility who has chewed her rump and the base of her tail naked. We have another guest who has stripped the fur off her throat and chest. My dog Moose sometimes licks bare spots onto his forelegs. My parents’ dog Becca used to chew her tail raw during the day while my parents were at work. All of these may be compulsive behaviors. Sometimes, behaviors like licking, chewing, tail-chasing, and spinning are normal. Sometimes they’re beyond normal and into harmful for pets AND their owners. Yes, pets can … Continue reading

Four Pets, Four Reactions to Stress

Moving is stressful for humans AND pets. It’s been interesting to watch how the animals react as my roommates and I go through the moving process. I have two dogs: Moose (a shepherd mix) and Lally (a boxer mix). They have two cats: Kachiko (a snowshoe Siamese) and Shiro (a big grey fellow). Each of the animals has reacted differently to the disruption in the routine. Shiro has earned his nickname: “chicken boo”. The move has sent him into hiding — he spent his first day in the new apartment squished into the corner of the closet. Slowly he’s come … Continue reading

I’ll Never Own a Puppy

I get all mushy over puppies — in person, on television, on the internet, or in books and magazines. I can’t help it! They’re just so tiny and sweet and cuddly and cute. But I’ll probably never own one. My reason why is relatively simple. There are just too many adult dogs (and cats) in shelters in need of forever homes! Puppies seem to have an easier time of getting adopted. They attract attention quickly and easily; with a puppy you get a fresh start, a dog you can train to your own standards. Baby animals in general are pretty … Continue reading

Hot Spots: The Basics

If your dog has a raw, open, oozing sore, it may be a hotspot! Also known as a superficial pyoderma or pyotraumatic dermatitis, this is a surface skin infection that can pop up quickly and be very painful or unpleasant for both dog and owner. How do hot spots start? Any dog can develop a hot spot, but there are some things you can watch out for. Dogs with heavy coats may develop hot spots when shedding, if undercoat hair gets trapped next to the skin. Dogs with histories of skin allergies may be susceptible to hot spots. Dogs who … Continue reading