More “Whoever Heard of” Expressions

Even though my mom is gone, an expression we’d say still lives on. I find myself coming up with some pretty funny “whoever heard of” lines. Ones I know would make my mom smile, if not chuckle. Perhaps they’ll tickle you as well. Whoever Heard Of… A cat drinking coffee? (Inspired by Mr. Meow dipping his nose into my empty coffee mug to check out what I’d been drinking. And don’t worry. I’d never let him really drink coffee. I know it’s dangerous for him.) A cat eating Cheerios? (My mom loved her Cheerios for breakfast. Sadly, no one in … Continue reading

Expressions: “Whoever Heard Of…?”

When my mom was still here, before she went to the hospice, we often found ourselves repeating a certain expression: “Whoever heard of…” followed by some observation about the behavior of the animals. Once I noticed we repeated this expression, I began compiling a list of them. Below are a few of my “Whoever heard of…” favorites: “…a cat taking a bath?” Mr. Meow’s our water lover. One morning as I was running the water for my mom’s bath, Mr. Meow went in to play in her tub. That’s when my mom laughed, shook her head, and said, “Whoever heard … Continue reading

What Would You Do for Love?

What would you do for love? How far would you go for the one you love? These are the questions asked and answered in Where the River Ends by Charles Martin. This is a beautiful picture of a marriage and the total commitment of a couple to each other despite the odds. Chris is from what most people would term ‘trailer trash.’ Abbie is a senator’s daughter and used to minks and diamonds. Despite all against them, including her family, they commit to each other and marry. Abbie constantly builds Chris up and actively encourages Chris to use and expand … Continue reading

Animals with Unusual Aspirations

Every once in a while odd notions pop into my head. (Okay, more than just once in a while.) The past few months, though, I keep having thoughts about animals with unusual aspirations. I’m not sure if they’re potential children’s book titles or just humorous musings meant to poke me when my subconscious thinks I need a laugh. Whatever they are –or may one day become– they make me smile. With all the bad news in the media recently, I thought I’d share them with you in the hopes perhaps they’ll bring a little levity to your life, too. The … Continue reading

Life with Murphy the Cone Head

Last Friday I was lamenting life without Murphy. He ended up getting the go ahead to come home that day. (Thankfully.) But coming home meant making some changes to our lifestyle. Caring for Murphy the Cone Head The surgeon sent us home with some strict instructions for caring for Murphy for the next eight weeks. 1. Because he has stitches, he has to keep his cone (a.k.a. Elizabethan collar) on at all times. (I’m sure he has stitches at the surgery site, but a cast’s covering those up. The stitches the vet’s trying to keep him away from are on … Continue reading

In the Company of Dogs Early Holiday 2008 Catalog

In an effort to be more environmentally conscious this year, I opted out of a receiving a lot of my beloved catalogs in the mail. One I could not bear to go without, though, was In the Company of Dogs. I can’t afford hardly anything in it, but oh how I love browsing through it! Yesterday the Early Holiday 2008 catalog arrived. The cover touted over 100 new items. I didn’t pay much mind to that at first…until I realized I was earmarking just about every page. What kind of cool things caught my eye? Glad you asked. Let me … Continue reading