Diagnosing Cancer in Pets

I was chatting with an owner at the cats-only boarding facility about various health issues, and the topic of cancer came up. “How do you know if a cat has cancer?” he asked me. I was stumped for a moment, then managed to say that it was probably the same way we figure it out in humans. Biopsies and blood tests. Just to be sure, I did some research. Yeah, I’m the sort of person where if I don’t know the answer to a question, I’ll find it. Cancers that present as tumors on or near the surface of the … Continue reading

Common Signs of Cancer in Small Animals

I’ve been thinking a lot about canine cancer over the last few days — but dogs aren’t the only pets who can develop cancer. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, there are some common signs of cancer in small animals: Abnormal swellings that persist or continue to grow — you may not see an external tumor, but you may be able to see or feel a lump where an internal tumor is located. Sores that do not heal. These may be hard to see on a long-haired pet, but regular grooming sessions can help you stay aware of what’s … Continue reading

Tough Decisions: Watch the Euthanasia or Not?

April always brings to mind Budly because he was born during this month and died during it too. (Born April 21; Died April 23) Among the many memories I have him, the one that is guaranteed to bring tears to my eyes and which still haunts my heart is his very last moments. The ones right before he was euthanized. We were given the option to be in the room, or to wait outside until it was done and then come in to say our final goodbyes. Wayne and I didn’t even need a moment to discuss it. We wanted … Continue reading

Dogs Detecting Cancer: Does It Provoke Attacks?

As I wrote last week in National Pet Cancer Awareness: What You Should Know, November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month. As I also wrote in that article, pet cancer reminds me of Budly because that’s why we had to put him to sleep. But the week before Budly’s health took such a nose dive that we had to rush him to the animal ER, he got attacked. The Attack We were out for our usual morning walk and had stopped to talk with a neighbor who had just gotten a chocolate lab puppy. All of a sudden this huge dog … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for November 5-11

What did Aimee and I write about during the first full week of November? If you missed a day, check out this installment of the Pets Blog Week in Review. Monday, November 5 Paying Attention When Pets Act Weird Murph was barking like crazy, the cats were acting wary…it was very suspicious behavior, which I try to pay attention to. In this case the animals tipped me off to the cops at the across-the-street neighbor’s house. Out on a Limp Aimee noticed some odd behavior with one of her dogs too. Moose developed a limp during their walks, one that … Continue reading

National Pet Cancer Awareness Month: What You Should Know

November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, which is a subject near and dear to my heart because Budly had cancer. In his case, we detected it far too late to even attempt treatments. (By the time we did find it he was suffering pretty badly and the most humane thing to do was immediately put him to sleep.) But if I could prevent Murphy, Kitty, or Tabby –or any of your pets– from experiencing the abrupt and heart wrenching goodbye we were forced to endure with Budly, I’m all for it. So I did a little research to find … Continue reading

Is Your Diet Putting You At Risk For Breast Cancer?

Three years ago this month my mother was told she was cancer free. The good news came after major surgery, months of treatment and a complete overhaul of her diet. My mom’s breast cancer diagnosis acted as a severe wake up call to our entire family. As you likely know by now October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. What you may not know is that breast cancer affects over 200,000 women in the U.S. each year and about 40,000 women die annually from the insidious disease. As I mentioned earlier my mother is still with us, but as a … Continue reading

AUTISM: Are You Aware?

April is autism awareness month, so I’m writing this blog to check your awareness level. Whether you parent a child with autism, know someone who does, or if you just happen to be reading this blog for interest’s sake, understanding certain facts about this condition is extremely important. Autism is no longer an obscure, rare thing. It’s all around us, and we need to be tolerant, supportive, and vigilant in searching for answers so that we can eventually shed some light on what is causing this mysterious disorder. Are you aware that autism has now been deemed a national epidemic? … Continue reading