Nebelungs: Creatures of the Mist

In German, Nebelung means “creature of the mist.” This is a bit misleading on two counts. First, one may mistakenly assume the breed comes from German origins. Not so. Nebelungs have ancient beginnings in Northern Russia and are cousins of the Russian Blue. Secondly, “creature of the mist” may invoke images of a dangerous, perhaps even predatory, cat. Hardly. Nebelungs have sweet, gentle natures and are very loving. Because their silver-tipped, silky coats are long, one might also falsely assume they shed a lot and require constant brushing. While they do shed some, it is actually very little. Like many … Continue reading

My Creepy Cat

Our friends Lee and Brenda have a nickname for Mr. Meow: the Pet Sematary cat. Why? Because sometimes he’s awfully creepy looking. Heck, sometimes he acts awfully creepy. Don’t get me wrong. He’s a beautiful cat. (And I’m not just saying that because I’m his mom and am biased. He is a good looking fella!) He’s a Nebelung, which are known for their gorgeous silvery fur. He’s also got a regal air about him. In fact, his good looks are why my mom abandoned her non-cat ways and allowed herself to fall in love with him. Well, that and because … Continue reading

Kitty Quirks: The Funny Ways He Says “I Love You”

Ah February … the month for passion, romance, and love. I’m in a committed, loving marriage. Have been for the past eleven years. But I must confess, my heart doesn’t belong solely to Wayne. I’m madly in love with two other fellas (albeit they’re a little furrier than Wayne): Murphy and Kitty. Like Wayne, Murphy has his ways of showing his love for me too, but Kitty’s tends to endear itself more to my heart. Why? Because he’s a cat, and anyone who knows cats knows how finicky, persnickety, and down right self-sufficient they can be. So in those moments … Continue reading