Paludariums: Overview

If you’ve ever been to an aquarium, you’ve probably already seen a paludarium — though you may not be familiar with the name. The word comes from Latin: paludal (relating to marshes) and arium (a place). A paludarium is a tank set up like a marsh — with land and water portions. This kind of aquarium is an interesting alternative to the usual water-only tanks that are so popular. Paludariums are also popular teaching tools in science classes — teachers, take note! With a paludarium, you have the opportunity to create the habitat you want. Maybe you’d like to recreate … Continue reading

Easy Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Ready to add live plants to your aquarium? Here are a few plants that are hardy and easy to grow — perfect for beginners! Hornwort — a stem plant with spiraling forked leaves. It looks more delicate than it actually is! This plant is difficult to kill and grows very quickly — this helps slow algae growth in your tank. Amazon sword — a tall plant with very large leaves! This plant needs more sunlight than some of the others on the list, but the plant’s height helps it get the sun it needs. Because these plants are larger than … Continue reading

Live Plants for Your Aquarium

Live plants look great in the tank and give your fish places to hide and explore. There are different types of plant you can include: stem plants, rooted plants, floating plants, and specialty plants. Tank plants will generally do well if you have a nutrient-rich substrate at the bottom of your tank and a layer of gravel to keep debris away. And don’t forget a light source! Plants need sunlight in order to survive. Place large, heavy objects like rock and driftwood before you plant your plants — if you try to add heavy objects last, you may damage your … Continue reading

Building a Paludarium

If you want to combine land and water habitats in your tank — create a paludarium — the best bet for a beginner may be a paludarium kit. However, after poking around various shopping and search sites, it seems like it might be difficult to find one! Terrarium kits are far easier to find. Educational suppliers like Carolina do offer “river tank” ecosystems for classrooms that can support aquatic and land animals and plants. Don’t be put off by the lack of kits available at the moment — you can still make your own paludarium! The first think you need … Continue reading