Lyme Disease Vaccine

One of my friends is the wife of a veterinarian. That makes her a useful resource whenever I have questions about my pets’ health. Today we got on the topic of immunizations, and she mentioned one of which I’d never heard: Lyme disease. My friend said that at her husband’s veterinary practice it was standard to immunize against Lyme disease once a year. I was surprised, mostly because I’d never even heard of a vaccine for the disease before, and now I learn that some places administer it yearly. I wanted to know more, so I began researching as soon … Continue reading

Treating Your Home and Yard for Fleas and Ticks

Most of the time, treating your pets for fleas and ticks with a monthly preventative is enough to keep an infestation out of your home and yard. Most of the time. If the critters are out of control, you may have to take action to evict fleas and ticks from your home. This doesn’t mean you should stop the monthly flea and tick preventative for your pets, either! The absolute best way to keep fleas and ticks off your pets (and out of your house) is to use a preventative all year round. In some areas, where winter temperatures drop … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Sep 3-9

Happy Monday! With the passing of Labor Day, the inevitable end of summer is drawing yet nearer. Maybe you were busy last week taking a late summer vacation, or perhaps you were adjusting to the back-to-school grind, and missed portions of the Pets Blog. Never fear, Aimee and I are here with a review of what we wrote on: Monday, September 3 Ah, Labor Day. Ever since 1999 I’ve never viewed them quite the same. Then came the summer of 2004, where Murphy and Kitty and a hurricane name Frances had a lot of fun. Tuesday, September 4 In memory … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Tick-Borne Diseases

Ticks are dangerous for pets and people. A tick’s saliva can transmit microscopic organisms into the person or pet getting bitten. Some of the same diseases that are dangerous to humans are dangerous to pets, and vice versa. The good news is that ticks don’t generally hop from a person to an animal or from a pet to an owner. Once the tick is feeding, it will usually stay with the host. And it can take up to twelve hours or more for a feeding tick to transmit one of the following diseases to a pet. Babesiosis causes severe anemia. … Continue reading