How to Help Your Pet Lose Weight

Are you not sure if your pet is overweight? Have you had trouble getting your pet to lose weight, or do those last few pounds refuse to come off? If you have any of these problems, today’s article is for you. Dr. John Lupo from the Malibu Vet Clinic posted some advice about maintaining a healthy weight for your pets on his local, and we’re going to examine it today. The first thing is to determine whether or not your pet is overweight. Obviously a veterinarian can do this, but why wait to see the vet? There are ways … Continue reading

Spending on Pets Skyrockets

Despite our recession (though apparently it’s recovering), some industries are on the rise. One of them, according to BBC News, is the pet industries. That’s right, in a time when pet food banks are growing at Animal Control facilities across the country and some people are still losing/struggling to stay in their homes, Americans are spending more on their pets than ever before. As you might guess, 65% of the overall amount spent is on food and veterinary costs. More people are also buying pet insurance. Maybe this just indicates that more people are looking to own more pets. This … Continue reading

Pet Obesity Rates Still Climbing

The trend I first wrote about two years ago is only getting worse. Pet obesity rates continue to rise in America, and unfortunately that’s not all. Not only are once-healthy pets gaining weight, ones that are already obese continue to put on the pounds. Cleveland’s Fox 8 profiles the epidemic. The Association for Pet Obesity recently ran a study that concluded 25% of cats and 21% of dogs are overweight. Those numbers are slightly up from the last study (and the last article I wrote on the topic) in 2010. As already mentioned, one of the most worrying parts of … Continue reading

Special Needs Children and Obesity

I have heard a lot of talk about obesity in children. Advice to prevent that ranges from “feed your child better foods” to “turn off the video games”. Parents of kids who have certain special needs require more tools than those pieces of advice. Your child’s medications could be affecting his or her weight. Kids that are extremely overweight, or obese, face certain health risks. They may develop insulin resistance, hypertension, or type 2 diabetes. These kids could be experiencing sleep apnea, which means that they are unable to get restful sleep. Some children who are overweight will begin puberty … Continue reading

Pet Diabetes on the Rise

Diabetes runs in my family. Even though I’m only in my mid-20s, I’ve tried to start being conscious about what I eat so I can hopefully prevent the onset of the disease, or at least have an easier transition into a diabetes-friendly diet should I need to do so. While I’m prepared for the fact that one day I might learn I have diabetes, it never occurred to me that one of our pets might come down with it as well. That’s right: dogs and cats can get diabetes, and it’s on the rise in canines. MSNBC Health has a … Continue reading

Fitness Programs for Pets

Just like with humans, one half of the key to pets losing weight is for them to receive more exercise. Did you know that many veterinary centers and other groups across the country actually offer pet fitness programs? If you’re not sure how to help your pets lose weight, if everything you’re doing just doesn’t seem to work, or maybe you just don’t have the extra time to spend to help your pet shed those pounds, check to see if you have any such programs in your area. Public pet fitness programs have the added benefit of being extra social … Continue reading

Is Age Important When Buying Pet Food?

A recent survey conducted by polling company Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of Iams found that most people consider ingredients the most important factor in what type of food they buy for their pets. The pet’s personal preference was frequently the second most popular factor, followed by price and then recommendations from friends or veterinarians. What’s got many pet websites and news agencies in a tizzy is the least most considered factor when people purchase pet food: age. Not the age of the food, but the age of the pet. Only one in ten people said that the age of … Continue reading

The Complexities of Pet Insurance

People need insurance, or want it if they can get it, but what about insurance for pets? At we’ve previously covered the different types of insurance one can purchase for one’s pets, but today I’d like to go over whether or not purchasing pet insurance is the right decision for you. I need to disclaim my forthcoming statements: coverage and policies with pet insurance are entirely dependent upon the particular company. Because they are not government mandated (even if some claim to follow government standards), different companies can offer different types of coverage, and problems that occur with some … Continue reading

Household Plants Poisonous to Pets

With autumn upon us and the holidays soon to follow, many households have begun seasonal decorating. A lot of that decorating involves various sorts of plants, and with that come many pet owners’ concerns over whether those plants are poisonous to their furry family members. The ASPCA has a helpful list of commonly kept plants that will hurt your pet and one that actually gets a bad reputation. The site names poinsettia as one of the most misunderstood plants, revealing that about 70% of the population believe that it is poisonous to their pets when in fact it isn’t really. … Continue reading

Pet Obesity

We hear a lot about human obesity, but what about pet obesity? For me it’s a lot simpler to keep my dog in shape by not feeding her too much than to keep myself in shape and ignore that extra slice of cake. Pet obesity, however, is on the rise in America. MSNBC has the details on a 2009 veterinarian survey revealing that 45% of dogs and 58% of cats nationwide are overweight. I’m definitely surprised by these numbers; I expected lower for dogs. I think it’s easier to make sure my dog gets enough exercise than figuring out how … Continue reading