Pets Leaving Food: Should You Worry?

My cats have caused so many food-related problems this year. I went from giving my cats food once a day to twice a day, then three times, having to split up normal portions into weird smaller amounts. My cat’s gluttony, food thievery, mischievous behavior, and sudden desire to eat people food all prompted my decision. As spring progressed and melted into summer, I thought I’d finally sorted things out. No, now my cats have changed their eating habits again. It all started when Jon and I left for a weekend. I put out two days’ worth of food; we weren’t … Continue reading

When Your Cat Is A Food Thief

My cat Chrestomanci’s gluttony has continued to the point that it warrants another post. When I was trying to find ideas for how to address his overeating problems I scoured the internet for suggestions, but I didn’t find much advice. Thus I wanted to share my own experiences to help others in a similar situation. After observing the cats’ gluttony during the holidays, Jon and I performed an experiment. We’ve long suspected that Chrestomanci was eating some of Cole’s food. Usually we keep their bowls in the laundry room, which they can access via a cat door, so their food … Continue reading

Pet Care And Housekeeping

Housekeeping is about more than just dusting and vacuuming. The majority of housework is preventative. Little things like not allowing food and drinks out of the kitchen, trash cans readily available in bathrooms and children’s rooms, easy ways to sort laundry. Doing little things to prevent messes can help lessen the time we spend cleaning them up. One area that will reduce a lot of cleanup time is pet care. Pets contribute greatly to a family in so many ways, including extra housework. Take time to do some preventative work and your pet housekeeping responsibilities will be minimal. If you … Continue reading

Treating Chin Acne in Pets

Don’t stress too much if your pet develops chin acne — it’s a relatively common problem in dogs and cats! One of the most common causes for chin acne is allergies. A pet may be allergic to fleas, foods, plastic in bowls, or inhaled particles like pollen and mold spores. Dealing with the allergy can make a big difference in many cases of chin acne. Treat your pet with a monthly flea/tick preventative like Frontline, Advantage, Sentinel, or Revolution. Spray your home and yard to clear up flea infestations if one is present or suspected. Eliminate plastic food and water … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for May 12-18

What sort of personal anecdotes, as well as helpful info and animal folktales, did Aimee and I share with you last week? If you can’t answer that because you missed any days, check out the handy Week in Review below. Monday, May 12 Since the stroke, my mom’s being talking about “going home.” I wondered when it’s time for me to “go home” who will be waiting for me? Aimee told about her Mother’s Day and the nice things her friends (and dogs) did to make it special. Tuesday, May 13 An article Aimee read led her to ponder the … Continue reading

Pets and Their Food Bowls

What’s your pet’s food bowl like? Plain and simple? Personalized? An old people dish making due as your pet’s food (and/or water) dish? Or did you buy one sold in a pet store? I got to thinking about pets and their food bowls because of a quirk the cats have when it comes to their bowls. And that led me to thinking about even more things, as represented by the headings below. How Many Bowls Do Your Pets Have? Do you have one food bowl and one water dish per pet? (For multi-pet households.) Or does each pet have more … Continue reading

How Annie and Cujo Learned to Use the Cat Door

You may or may not remember Annie and Cujo from the night Moose, Lally, and I slept over at my friends’ house. Annie and Cujo are a pair of rescued cats that belong to some very good friends of mine. Those friends decided it was time to reclaim their spare room. Since they moved into their new home, one room has been a catch-all for boxes, stuff they didn’t know what to do with, and the litter boxes. Months passed. Eventually, they wanted their spare room back! My friend Jen is quite the home improvement diva — she designed and … Continue reading

Throwing a Puppy Shower–Step 4: Prizes and Favors

If you decide to play games at your puppy shower, you’ll want to award prizes to the winners, right? Everyone might not be able to win a game, but that doesn’t mean they can’t leave your shower winners nonetheless. That’s the beauty of favors. Everyone has something to take home to remember your great party by! But what sort of things would make suitable prizes and favors? The answers, my friends, follow below. (In some cases I even included places you can find them.) Prizes for People Just about anything dog-themed would make a good prize. Just think of it … Continue reading

Throwing a Puppy Shower—Step 2: Food

Once the invitations for your puppy shower are sent and the RSVPs tallied, you’ll want to start thinking about your menu. Unlike other types of showers, puppy showers have to accommodate both human and canine palettes. For the People Guests • Beverages – The typical drink options are always nice, like water, soft drinks, or juice. However, some alcoholic drinks have colorful dog names which would also be fun. (i.e. Mad Dog shots, and Hair of the Dog cocktails or Salty Dog cocktails.) • Appetizers or finger foods – If you want to serve fare keeping with the theme of … Continue reading

Do Your Pets Help With Chores?

Murphy, Mr. Meow, and Tabby do. Or at least they like to think they do. Mostly they just keep me company, but to a great extent that helps. It makes my chores go faster! Wayne’s always been amazed how consistent they are with helping me. Each of them picked the tasks they like helping me with best and every time I do them there they are, my little helpers. Murphy Helps With… Almost everything. He helps me: 1) bring in the mail 2) mail stuff out 3) bring in groceries 4) load up recyclables for dropping off (Which sometimes he … Continue reading