Tabby’s First “Real” Halloween

Murphy and Mr. Meow are old pros when it comes to Halloween. They’ve been with us long enough to know that when I put up the graveyard and break out the ghosts that the Trick or Treaters will soon follow. But last year because we were in the midst of still trying to sell our home, which we did take off the market late in October, I didn’t “do” Halloween like I normally would. Therefore, even though last Halloween was technically Tabby’s first with us, she didn’t get a taste of how her mom normally does up the holiday. I … Continue reading

Picking Halloween Pet Toys

Yesterday I wrote about how it was I decided I needed to buy Halloween pet toys for Murph and his best friend Tucker. Today I’m going to tell you how I ended up picking the toys I did. (You may be thinking that sounds a little humdrum, but bear with me. There’s a method to my madness.) Decisions, Decisions As I left off in yesterday’s blog, I explained how I’d decided to buy Halloween pet toys from Doctors Foster and Smith. Here are the toys I was deciding between: 1. Halloween Witch of Devil Loofas. 2. Halloween Pumpkin Puzzle. 3. … Continue reading

Why I’m Shopping for More Pet Halloween Toys

I know in another blog I admitted that one way I could ease my worries about the economy and its affect on my pocketbook would be to cut out buying toys for my pets. But I had to make an exception for Halloween. See, a couple of weeks ago Murphy’s best friend Tucker came for a visit when his parents had to come through town on their annual trek to Indianapolis for the pet shoot they do up there every year. Since Murph’s down and out with his cast, he wasn’t able to play with Tucker. (Not because he didn’t … Continue reading