Teacup Pigs as Pets

When my husband and I move to a bigger place, one of the first things we know we’ll do is get more pets. We want some more cats and at least one more dog. It’s possible that in the future we’ll add other species of pets to that list. I’m in the midst of deciding whether or not I want a teacup pig. Of course, as soon as I write that a huge part of me inside shouts, “A teacup pig! Of course you want a teacup pig.” According to teacuppiggies.com, teacup pigs, or miniature pigs, are around the size … Continue reading

Probiotics for Pets?

Doggie digestion is a subject near and dear to my heart — thanks to my dog Moose and his very sensitive stomach. According to a recent article in Scientific American, GI issues are one of the top problems dog owners bring to the vet’s office (skin issues are tops on the list, according to a professor from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville). I can believe it! There’s a wide range of stuff that can cause gastrointestinal distress — everything from “garbage gut” (getting sick after eating stuff they shouldn’t) to parasites to infection and more. … Continue reading

Poor Itchy Puppy, Pt. 2

Weeks ago I wrote about my dog Chihiro’s problems with constant itching. She scratched and licked at herself much more than normal. We applied a couple different treatments to her in an attempt to fix the problem and now I am able to report on the results. The first solution we attempted, which I described in greater detail in my previous article, was giving her probiotic treats and powder with her evening meal. The probiotics returned good bacteria to her body that had likely been wiped away by the antibiotics she took over the summer. After giving her the probiotics … Continue reading

Poor Itchy Puppy

Scratch my belly, please Unfortunately, Chihiro’s health saga has continued. At least nothing is so wrong with her that we need to take her to the vet or spend a lot of money, but it’s annoying that we have to keep treating her for various maladies. At least I can blog about her troubles to share tips with you should any of your dogs ever have similar problems. Chihiro’s always been an itchy dog. Early this year the vet confirmed that she has an inverted vulva, a disorder that’s apparently somewhat common with mixed breed dogs. That means she has … Continue reading

Antibiotics and Side Effects

I’m about halfway through my ten days of antibiotics after a recent cat bite (from my work at the cats-only boarding facility) got infected. When I picked up my prescriptions — two different antibiotics for one little cat bite, sheesh — the pharmacist warned me that I might experience some photosensitivity. Did I ever! The first few days were rough, and I relied heavily on my prescription sunglasses and long sleeved shirts. The drive home from work in the afternoon was enough to leave me with the beginnings of a sunburn. Thankfully, the photosensitivity has eased off as I’ve gotten … Continue reading

Treating Your Dog’s Diarrhea

Once upon a time Aimee wrote an article about her adventures with POOPAPALOOZA 2006. (Which is pretty darn amusing by the way. Gross, but amusing.) At any rate, I was reminded of that article when Murph had major tummy troubles recently. Thankfully Murph did not follow Moose’s lead and leave any “Lake Poop-eriors” anywhere. He’s pretty good about pestering us mercilessly to let him out if we’re around to pester. Which is good, because he was dealing with some pretty nasty, messy, runny poop. And a lot of it. I ended up taking him to the vet because the things … Continue reading

Frozen Doggie Delights: Experimenting with Carrot Juice

For Murphy’s birthday I wanted to make him a special treat. I know there are places you can buy dog birthday cakes and such, but I didn’t need that much food. So I started thinking about ice cream. Murph loves this doggie ice cream called Dogsters that I used to be able to find at the Publix in Florida but haven’t found in Tennessee. He was nuts about the carrot-flavored one in particular. Making My Own Doggie Ice Delights I got to thinking, “How hard would it be to just freeze some carrot juice in ice cube trays and see … Continue reading

Why Is My Goldfish Changing Colors?

Not all goldfish are gold! Even a goldfish that starts life a bright shade of orange may change colors throughout his life. There are different reasons why a goldfish may change colors. Diet changes, poor quality food, and parasites can leave you with a fish of a different color. Genetics play a big part in goldfish color. Moors (black goldfish) may be cross-bred with telescopes (goldfish of any other color) to improve body shape or vision. The baby goldfish from a moor/telescope breeding may or may not change colors. Some baby goldfish stay black all their lives. Some change colors … Continue reading