VPI Reveals List of Most Popular Wacky Pet Names for 2011

Did you give your pet a traditional name for a dog or cat? Or, did you get creative and name your pet something wacky? VPI has a list of the most popular wacky pet names for 2011. They also have a wacky pet name generator that you can use if you want some suggestions for what to name your pet. VPI is a pet insurance company that has been around for more than thirty years. Since 1982, they have insured more than one million pets. They started out providing pet insurance for companion animals (which, in this case, means service … Continue reading

Planning for Pets When Emergencies Call You Away: A Checklist

Yesterday I wrote about what we’d do with our pets if an emergency called us away. Do you know what you’d do? Do you have a plan in place? If not, I created a list of things to think about and prepare for ahead of time. 1) If you take your pets with you, will you have a place to stay that welcomes them too? If you won’t be staying with relatives (or can’t), make a list of pet-friendly hotels in the area. (Before you need them, but confirm the pet-friendly status still exists when you book your room.) Use … Continue reading

Code Red: Planning for Pets When Emergencies Call You Away

This has been in the back of my mind for a while now because Wayne’s grandparents are in their mid-80s and my parents are in their mid-70s. They all live in Denver, and while Wayne’s grandparents are relatively healthy, my parents have both been struggling with increasingly declining health. So I’ve been trying to put some plans in place in case we get the worst call any person can ever get. Just yesterday I asked Wayne what we would do in such an emergency. “You shouldn’t think like that. You attract what you think about, you know.” “I know, but … Continue reading

Chatting with Marlene Richardson, Former Pet Care Professional – Part Two

Southern Duchess Pet Care Service Logo, created by Megan Belanger and provided by Marlene Richardson, former owner of Southern Duchess In Part One I introduced you to my neighbor Marly Richardson, a former pet care professional. She shared how she got into the biz, but in this part she talks about the biz from a different perspective: things those who are interested in getting into it should take into consideration. Courtney Mroch: What kind of advice would you recommend to anyone thinking of starting their own pet care business? Marly Richardson: Pet sitting is so much more than playing with … Continue reading

The Pets of 9/11

The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 impacted every facet of life imaginable. From people on the planes and those in the buildings that were hit to the rescue workers and all the friends and family members that were ultimately and irreversibly affected. Not to mention the nation as a whole. As did most Americans, I sat glued to my television most of that first day and more than usual in the days that followed. I was rooting with everyone else that anyone trapped in the rubble at Ground Zero would be found alive, and of course there was a … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for May 28-Jun 3

Submitted once again for your reading pleasure is the Pets Blog Week in Review. As usual, it’s your one stop shop to find the articles Aimee and myself covered from May 28 to June 3. Monday, May 28 Sometimes dogs and cats (especially puppies and kittens) get curious and stick their heads in places they can’t easily get back out of. Pet First Aid: When His Head Gets Stuck addresses how to help them get unstuck. Tuesday, May 29 (Um, this next one was supposed to get posted on Monday, for Memorial Day, but I goofed on getting it submitted … Continue reading

Leona Helmsley’s $12 Million Bequest to Her Dog

As I often do when I eat breakfast, I watched the Today Show this morning. I tuned in right as Ann Curry interviewed a lady from Court TV about the late Leona Helmsley bequeathing $12 million to her Maltese, Trouble. I guess the big hoopla has to do with the fact that not only did she specifically not leave anything to two of her four grandchildren, but she either didn’t leave a dime to her 12 great-grandchildren or what she did leave was ridiculously small compared to the largest bequest she made –the $12 million to Trouble, who at eight-years-old … Continue reading