Quiet Companions (of the Feline Persuasion)

We have some guests at the cats-only boarding facility who are known talkers. Personally, I like the talkers. They’re good company! Sometimes, I talk back… but then I’m always talking to the dogs at home, too. Like I said, good company. But there are times when the talking can get to be overwhelming. I recently saw a list of the most talkative and the least talkative cat breeds — and if talkability is important to you in a pet, the info might be useful. At the very least, I hope it’s interesting! You can maybe guess the most talkative breed … Continue reading

Genealogy Tails – What Color Is Your Kitty’s Coat?

Just like every person’s genes contribute to the way they look, every cat has his or her own unique genetic makeup that determines his or her appearance. Since I love cats, I decided to look into how cats’ genes determine how they look. The first thing that I learned about cats is that there are only three basic coat colors – red, black, and white. At first, this did not make sense to me because I have seen cats with many different colors of fur, and many different patterns in their coats. As I learned more about cat hair, it … Continue reading

The Curious Case of the Cat in the Shower

Every time anyone enters the bathroom at our house, it’s cause for a big fuss. That’s because no matter what somebody’s doing in there, our cat Cole must have a part of it. If he hears someone in the bathroom, he rushes in (if the door’s open) and starts getting very vocal. Cole isn’t the most vocal of cats, but he’s not the least either. He chirps for attention, and if there’s a bird he can see out in the yard, the whole house knows it. But even when there’s prey he can see just beyond his reach, Cole is … Continue reading

Intro from a Lifelong Animal Lover

As the new pet blogger at families.com, I thought I’d take a post to introduce myself. My name is Angela Shambeda, and I’ve been with families.com since November 2009. You can also find me over at the Disney blog. I thought I’d tell a story from my childhood as part of my introduction. When I was in fourth grade I wrote my very first research paper on harp seals. While working on the paper I learned that conservationists would often spray stripes of bright paint over the coats of harp seals, particularly the babies. They would do so to protect … Continue reading