Potty Training 101

Potty training isn’t one of those “one size fits all” kind of things. Every child is unique, they develop at different rates. One child may be ready to be completely potty trained at 18 months and another may still be struggling at 4. You may have to try several different strategies before you find one that works for you and your child. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a while, most kids aren’t potty trained in a day. The first and most important thing when it comes to potty training is knowing when your child is ready. Can she stay … Continue reading

Finding Balance in the Unbalance

As a single parent you may feel like your life is in utter chaos about 90% of the time. You are running from one thing to the next all day long, you hardly have time to take a shower in the morning, let alone brush your teeth. You are doing the work of two, so naturally you have a lot on your plate at any given time during the day. There are always a million things to do; get up, get the kids ready for school, go to work, come home, make dinner, help kids with homework, give the kids … Continue reading

Toddler Paradise

I recently started back to school full time again, well technically four credits over full time, my schedule is packed, I mean really packed. Lately our lives have revolved around getting up, going to daycare/school, and coming home to do homework, get ready for bed, and start all over again. Not much fun for a three year old, but all that is about to change. Logan is getting a little bored with the schedule, I don’t blame him, I am too, so tomorrow is all about him. We are going to create our own little toddler paradise. Try looking at … Continue reading

Handling Holiday Visitation

The holidays can be especially hard as a single parent. We all imagine what our lives will be like when we have children. We dream of picture perfect holidays watching the happy faces of our children as they share in our traditions. Then you get divorced and suddenly everything is not at all what you imagined. No one gets married and imagines that one day they will be divorced so of course we don’t ever imagine a time when our children will not be with us for the holidays. The first holiday or birthday that you are divorced is the … Continue reading

Help Each Other

My daughter has a three year old sister, I may have mentioned that a time or two, Ivy. Ivy’s mom is a single mom as well, except she is a single mother to three small children. I don’t know how she does it. I remember when I was newly divorced how overwhelming it was to be the only person responsible for my child. I really can’t imagine being a single mom to a newborn and two other children. When Hailey was born I remember being so thankful when her father came home from work so I could shower, or just … Continue reading

Baby Shower Gift Idea: eMealz

After the birth of my third and fourth child, I was blessed enough to be a member of a loving church. They are so loving and understanding that after a birth of a baby the women get together and bring you dinner for the first week or two. I have to say the experience was wonderful. Not only are the women of my church loving they are great cooks. I felt like I was at a restaurant every night. Not to mention how grateful my family was to have hot meals every night without lifting a finger. Dinner is necessary … Continue reading

Green Gift Guide – Part 2

There are just a few shopping days left, but if you are still looking for ideas, consider the 2010 Holiday Green Gift Guide from Green America. This great guide offers a wide variety of gifts for family, friends, children and babies including beauty and body care, clothing and accessories, food and drink, home items, and gifts, art, and accessories. Eco Express has some very yummy looking organic goodies. Their truffle temptation is reasonable priced at $26.99 and they have a gorgeous artisan cheese and fruit basket. They have gifts for birthdays, births, romance, housewarming, weddings, and just if you want … Continue reading

How Dogs Can Train Each Other

In my home there are three teenage girls, three cats, a rat, and two dogs. The cats are the least amount of trouble since all they require is food, water, a clean litter box and love-on-demand. I’m not very fond of the rat, but he was about to become homeless since his owner packed up and moved out of state, so “Spock” now lives with us. The teenage girls? Well, that’s where my gray hairs and stomach ailments have come from, though for the most part our home is fun, if not slightly disorganized. This brings me to our dogs. … Continue reading

Used Appliance, New Appliance: Ah, The Agony!

For the third time in four years, our dishwasher is broken. Our home came with a complement of not-really-working appliances, and in the last four years we have replaced our furnace, our toilets, our bathtub, our freezer, our washer, and our dryer. We’re also replaced countless other items around the house. As I ponder the potential demise of our dishwasher, I wonder about used and new appliances. I love to recycle, and reusing used appliances is certainly recycling. If someone is getting rid of a nearly-new appliance just to keep up with the next appliance fad, I’m happy about that. … Continue reading

Long Hair vs. Short Hair: the Smackdown

I’m a short hair girl. It suits my face (I think), it’s easy to care for, and looks good on short notice. I’m used to it. I’m comfortable with it. Heck, I even cut my own hair most of the time! With curly hair, if it’s a little uneven, it’s hard to tell. (Things would be a little trickier if I had straight hair.) But every once in a while, I get the urge to let my hair grow. I can count only two times in my life when my hair has been below shoulder length: once when I was … Continue reading