Homecoming: Becca, Lily, and Kuma

It’s been quiet on the Pets Blog for the last few days because I took my first trip back to the East Coast in more than a year. I moved west with my two dogs in May 2007 — I managed to get home to visit twice in that first year, but hadn’t been home again since January 2008. I was a little worried that it had been too long, and the furry family members back in New Jersey wouldn’t remember me. It’s not like I can chat with them on the phone too often (some pets will sit and … Continue reading

Separation Anxiety: Lily

In a multi-dog family, you may see some very interesting relationships. My brother’s dogs, Kuma and Lily Biscuits, have a very close bond. Kuma is definitely the Boss Dog in the house. With just a look, she can send Lily running. Whatever Lily has, Kuma can pretty much take without consequences. But without Kuma around, Lily is pretty much lost. On Tuesday, Kuma spent the day at the veterinarian’s for some minor surgery. Lily was a wreck. She wouldn’t take a rawhide — normally her favorite treat! She sat on the couch, looking out the window most of the day, … Continue reading

The Problem with Show Dog Science

I’ve long known certain dogs were specifically bred with others to get desired traits, but I hadn’t realized how far back it had all started. Which is pretty remarkable considering science hasn’t always been as advanced as it is now. A few months back I caught part of an episode called “Science of a Dog” on the National Geographic Channel which addressed the topic in depth. It was about how certain breeds have come to be, why, and where they go from here. Because for some breeds their health-future isn’t too bright. That was a really sad part of the … Continue reading

When Your Dog Is Home Alone

My friend Joe is a radio personality. When his dog Cassie was still alive, he would leave the radio on for her when he was going to be on the air. I don’t know if she was a classic rock lover (we worked at the same classic rock station in Vermont) but Cassie seemed to appreciate the company. The American Kennel Club website had a poll up a few weeks ago about leaving your dog home alone. The questions (and results) got me thinking. “When I leave my house for a few hours, which of the following am I sure … Continue reading

Greeting Rituals

Pets are generally creatures of habit. Dogs and cats especially love routine. My girl dog Lally insists on a welcoming game of ball — regardless of where I’ve gone and how long I’ve been out. We absolutely must go into the yard and play ball, even if it’s just a few fetches. If I don’t go outside with her, she pesters me until I relent, or at least toss the ball down the hall a few times. My friend Marta’s dog Merlin (who you may remember from her unusual separation anxiety issues) runs off to find a favorite toy or … Continue reading

Instinct vs. Medicine

My brother’s dog Kuma, a pit bull/lab/boxer sort of mix, had surgery on Tuesday to remove what the vet believes is a skin tag from her shoulder. Apparently labs and lab mixes are prone to getting random fatty lumps on their bodies. The folks at the vet are going to biopsy the lump, which must have been pretty big — Kuma came home with five stitches in her shoulder. She also came with a hip new fashion accessory — the Elizabethan collar, or as I like to call it, the conehead. Kuma has been sentenced to wear the conehead for … Continue reading