Skunked! A Real-Life Account

After reading Aimee’s blog, “Dealing with a Skunk Attack,” I couldn’t help but remember one fateful family camping trip. I’ll share the story so you can laugh, see the wrong way to deal with a skunk attack, and then even better appreciate the wisdom in Aimee’s blog…. Wayne, Budly, and I had all just moved from Tucson to Phoenix in that summer of 1993. Growing up, both Wayne’s family and mine camped. We had fond memories of those trips, so, now that we were both out of school and had free weekends once again, we decided to buy a tent, … Continue reading

Skunk: A Most Odious Encounter

Late last Saturday night my dog had that most unfortunate of meetings: with a stinky skunk. I’m ashamed to say that in my rush to do something about the horrid scent coming off of Chihiro, I didn’t think clearly. My husband and I should have hosed her off and applied treatment outside, but instead we brought her inside to the spare tub. We made her wait in the yard until we had the de-skunking mixture ready, but her trip through the house left awful scents that lingered for days. One good thing I can say is that the hydrogen-peroxide, baking … Continue reading

In Memoriam: Budly Wallaby Roo

Today I’m reminded of something I touched on briefly in My Life With Dogs, Part Two: the death of our dog Budly. It happened on this date in 2000. Except it was Easter Sunday back then. What would become a very, very sad Easter. I can’t believe it’s been seven years already. It doesn’t seem like that long, nor does it seem he’s ever far from our hearts. We think about him all the time. Wayne believes he still thinks about us, too. Budly was a cocker spaniel who was nuts for tennis balls. Morning, noon, and night he’d play … Continue reading