Why Pets Aren’t Good Presents

This goes without saying, but you can never say it too often because it happens every year: don’t give pets as presents.  If you’re thinking about gifting a pet to someone you love this year, consider very carefully.  Pets are lifelong commitments and responsibilities, not fun presents. Now, I can think of one context in which it could be OK to give a pet for a present: if the person receiving asked for it, knew that’s what they were getting, and understood the responsibilities involved.  That means in most cases, it’s not appropriate to get pets as gifts for children: … Continue reading

Introducing Pets to Newborns, Pt. 3

Today I conclude my examination of how to introduce a household’s pets to newborns. On Monday I looked at how expectant parents can prepare their pets for the infant’s arrival; today I’ll outline the steps you can take after the baby is born. When it’s about time to bring the baby home from the hospital, first take something with the newborn’s scent on it, like a burping cloth, back to the house. This is most effective for dogs but can also help cats with the adjustment. Pets will then find the baby’s scent familiar once the infant itself arrives. You … Continue reading

Teething Pets

If you’re thinking of getting or currently own a puppy or kitten three-months-old or younger, then you’re soon in for a somewhat bizarre experience: teething. Puppies begin losing their baby teeth around four or five months old, and kittens also do so around the same time. Though sometimes later; my cat didn’t start teething until six months or so. I said bizarre experience because although it makes perfect sense that pets would lose their baby teeth and grow adult ones just like humans, I didn’t quite anticipate it when first adopting a puppy. I prepared for all the things I … Continue reading

Toy Troubles

Toys are a real problem in my house. Once we have children we’ll have to be careful about what toys are left lying around. At the moment we can’t have many toys for either the cats or the dog, and Chihiro has no one but herself to blame. Chihiro has one goal with every toy she finds: to consume it. When we first got her she came with a stuffed pink octopus toy. That lasted just a few weeks before she began tearing off pieces to eat. I got her another stuffed toy and a rope toy to replace her … Continue reading

Pet Obesity Rates Still Climbing

The trend I first wrote about two years ago is only getting worse. Pet obesity rates continue to rise in America, and unfortunately that’s not all. Not only are once-healthy pets gaining weight, ones that are already obese continue to put on the pounds. Cleveland’s Fox 8 profiles the epidemic. The Association for Pet Obesity recently ran a study that concluded 25% of cats and 21% of dogs are overweight. Those numbers are slightly up from the last study (and the last article I wrote on the topic) in 2010. As already mentioned, one of the most worrying parts of … Continue reading

How Far Would You Go to Save a Sick Pet?

Me, aged about 10, with my childhood cat Boots When my husband and I prepared to adopt a dog he asked me one question that really startled and upset me. “We need to decide how much we’re going to spend on this dog when it’s sick,” he said. He meant we had to decide the maximum amount of money we were willing to spend on it for medical treatment; if it ever had a health problem the costs of which exceeded that number, we’d automatically agree to put it down. I was shocked. How could he suggest such a callous … Continue reading

Pressure Treatment

The Thundershirt from my last pet blog made me start to wonder about pressure as a treatment for dog anxiety. As I said, I’d never heard of the practice before, so I’m curious as to whether or not it’s a legitimate calming method or something made up by Thundershirt salespeople. After spending a while researching the topic, I’m more inclined to believe the latter. Multiple searches using varied forms of the phrase “pet anxiety pressure treatment” resulted in page after page only talking about the subject specifically in relation to selling the Thundershirt. I’m ready to consider the “pressure as … Continue reading

Pet Homeopathy

While in the waiting room at my last vet visit, I noticed an interesting sign. My vet offers many special services, like boarding and obedience classes. Also, they perform animal acupuncture. I certainly wasn’t expecting that. I’d never heard of acupuncture for pets before. So I decided to do some research on animal acupuncture, and discovered a wealth of information about holistic veterinary medicine. Today’s post is all for those who might be interested in pursuing homeopathic and holistic medical services for their pets. Acupuncture.com has a whole subsection devoted to veterinary homeopathy. Let’s first check out the details on … Continue reading

Pet Obesity

We hear a lot about human obesity, but what about pet obesity? For me it’s a lot simpler to keep my dog in shape by not feeding her too much than to keep myself in shape and ignore that extra slice of cake. Pet obesity, however, is on the rise in America. MSNBC has the details on a 2009 veterinarian survey revealing that 45% of dogs and 58% of cats nationwide are overweight. I’m definitely surprised by these numbers; I expected lower for dogs. I think it’s easier to make sure my dog gets enough exercise than figuring out how … Continue reading

Rare Dog Breeds: The Lundehund

Sometimes it’s fun to look at specific dog breeds, especially for those considering getting a purebred. It’s always good to know the characteristics of a breed before purchasing that type of dog, so one is aware of any potential health concerns. Those into rare dog breeds should be especially intrigued by the Norwegian Lundehund. It’s the rarest breed of dog in the world. The Lundehund is so rare because of its many unique characteristics. The website for the Norwegian Lundehund Club of America contains many details on this special breed. The Lundehund always sports at least six toes on each … Continue reading