Starting A Shelter: The Basics

If you’re an animal lover (like me), you may have pondered the possibility of opening your own shelter some day. In my imagination, I’ve got acres of land and herds of dogs, happily romping together while they wait for their forever homes. In reality, starting a shelter is a lot of work. The first thing to think about is all the different things a humane organization can do. Take in unwanted and stray animals. Rehome unwanted and stray animals. Educate the public about humane issues. Campaign for animal protection laws. Gather other animal lovers to the cause. Spay and neuter … Continue reading

Designing a House with Pets in Mind

A while back I was watching a show on HGTV in the waiting area of the Nissan dealership while Nissy’s oil got changed. I don’t remember the name of the show, but it was one of those where they feature people’s homes for one reason or another. Usually very fancy houses with lots of neat upgrades I can only dream about. Cold Rooms Must Mean a Cold Heart The episode showcased a lady’s home that, while very pretty, also struck me to match its owner’s personality: cold and sterile. The floors were entirely hard surfaces, save for maybe her bedroom. … Continue reading

The Ugly Kitty

A crafty friend of mine asked if I’d heard of The Ugly Kitty. I hadn’t, but with a name like that I had to track this shop down. I sat down (virtually) with Renee and asked her about her business, her pets, and her favorite causes. Aimee: Let’s start with the pets in your family. Renee: Keiko (aka NormalKitty) is a sweet but whiny short-haired charcoal kitty my friends found as a stray. She’s been part of our family for about 3 years. Quasi (aka UglyKitty) is the star of the show. Due to a cleft pallet, she has a … Continue reading

Six Reasons Why You’ll Never Regret Adopting a Dog

Photo by Bethan Hazell I happen to love my pound hound with my entire heart and soul. I know others, such as Aimee who rescued her Lally and Moose from shelters, also feel the same. Since October is Adopt-A-Shelter Dog Month, I thought I’d honor it by listing some reasons why adopting a dog will be the best decision you ever make. Reason #1: You’re Saving a Life Some shelters are no-kill, meaning the animals will stay there until the right home is found for them. But most shelters only have limited resources –space, food, and money. That forces them … Continue reading

Get Your Orange On: ASPCA Day!

I’m in a little bit of a pickle. Today is the ASPCA’s 141st birthday and they’re celebrating it with what I’m calling an “Orange Campaign.” They’re encouraging everyone to help them spread awareness and show support by donning as much orange as possible. I’m not sure why orange. I believe because it’s the organization’s colors, but I couldn’t find anything to confirm that. I don’t have a lick of orange in my wardrobe. (Something that most Tennesseans do own, thanks to the Vols. However, I’m not from this area originally as we only moved here in 2005, nor am I … Continue reading