Setting Expectations for Dog Training

Do we expect too much from our dogs? Sometimes we think that dogs should jump to obey our orders, and many dog owners soon find out that perhaps we’re not viewing dogs and how we train them in the right way. Pet website ZooToo has an overview of how the dog training process works, explaining why many of us might be going about training in the wrong way. What’s always important to remember, especially when bringing a new dog home, is that there will be a honeymoon period but that period will end. New dogs, especially ones from shelters, brought … Continue reading

Irresponsible Pet Owners

In my last article I mentioned that I can’t watch several shows on Animal Planet because they upset me. Next to Animal Cops, the other shows that I find disturbing are those where dog trainers go to people’s homes to help with their dogs’ behavioral problems. For my second “Be Kind to Animals Week” article, I want to focus on irresponsible pet owners. Irresponsible pet owners are one of my biggest peeves, and the reason why I don’t like dog training shows. Watching those shows it seems like most of the time, the dogs have problems because their owners don’t … Continue reading

Modifying Behavior-Lesson 1, Part 2: Know Thyself

I decided I needed to back up the bus a little. I might have jumped the gun proceeding to Lesson 2: Trial and Error. I thought of something else that’s crucial to modifying a pets behavior before you get to this step. It’s determining YOUR style of discipline. As I alluded to in The Dog Whisperer: The Latest Craze in Doggie Discipline, I’m not too crazy for his techniques. Or, rather, I’ve never been too impressed with the people needing him on the few shows I’ve watched. I felt that using a little common sense in the first place would … Continue reading

Modifying Behavior-Lesson 1: Know Thy Pet

Part of my resolutions for this year in the Pets Blog included writing more articles that you, Dear Reader, would like to see. To gauge just what those might be, I posted a poll in the forum and welcomed replies. One request that came back was about behavior. Mostly modifying it to encourage better behavior. First off, let me plainly state I am no animal behavior expert. Like many of you, I am simply owned by my pets and am lucky enough to have a forum where I can also indulge my passion for writing about animals. However, even though … Continue reading

The Top Pets Blogs of 2007: January – May

Aimee and I, along with the occasional guest blogger, tried our best to bring you informative, interesting, and entertaining articles this past year. But you seemed to like some more than others. So I decided to do a Year in Review recap of the ones that you responded most to. What Makes a “Top” Blog? Even though you all may enjoy most of the blogs we write, not all of them inspire you to leave comments or rate them. Those that received star ratings made the Top Blogs cut. January 2007 Top Blogs Assistance Dogs of the West and The … Continue reading

Books for Pet Lovers

With six shopping days left until Christmas, that doesn’t leave much time to get any last minute gifts you may need for the pet lovers on your list. It certainly eliminates ordering gifts online, but there’s always the bookstore. Here’s a list of books you can’t go wrong with: Fiction Earlier this month Aimee profiled some great, classic fiction featuring animals that would delight any age pet lover on your list: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Tailchaser’s Song Watership Down Others you might want to revisit include: Black Beauty National Velvet For mystery lovers, dog and cat characters … Continue reading

Tamar Geller: A Dog Trainer I Can Relate To

I just might be a good pet parent after all. Wayne’s always telling me what a great mom I am to our kids. As much as I want to believe him, I always sense he has an underlying commitment to say such things. Sort of how he wouldn’t dare tell me my butt looks fat in certain clothing because he wants to spare my feelings. (As a side note, he is a good husband because he also doesn’t let me go out of the house in anything emphasizing my large bottom. He’ll save me by delicately asking if maybe another … Continue reading

What to Do About Tabby?

I’m in a real conundrum. I’ve always had dogs and sort of know how to “read” and discipline them when there are problems. Cats, on the other hand, are another matter entirely. In the Beginning Mr. Meow has been an awesome cat. He’s never misbehaved or been anything except remarkably affectionate and loyal. Tabby is proving to be the same way. She’s a loving snuggle bug who prefers nothing better than being wherever her people are and/or her Murphy is, preferably in our laps or nestled against Murph. But introduce Mr. Meow into that picture? She turns into Tabby the … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Jan 22-28

Want a quick and easy way of catching up on the past week’s Pets Blogs? Here it is! Starting this week, we’ll recap all of the Pets Blogs posted by the assigned bloggers, Aimee Amodio and myself , during the past week. Also, if we ever have any guest bloggers, their blogs will be included as well. We didn’t have any guest bloggers this week, though, so we’ll just kick things off with a review of what Aimee and I wrote about: Monday, January 22 In Horsing Around with Mystery Author Kit Ehrman I interviewed the author about her interest … Continue reading

Preparing For A Puppy

Puppies are so soft and adorable, aren’t they? I remember when we first got ours I rarely kept my hands off of her. They have that little puppy smell and all you want to do is love on them. Watching them waddle around, getting use to their new environment is such a joy. They tire so easily and when they do, your lap is the best bed ever. The weeks go by. The cute little puppy is now bigger and a little terror! The house has become a disaster area – newspapers are shredded, torn into little pieces ands strewn … Continue reading