Dogs In Bars?

Washington State is considering legislation that would allow dogs to join their owners in bars and restaurants with liquor licenses. The bill — proposed by Senator Ken Jacobsen — would give bars and restaurants the option to allow dogs to join their owners, provided the dogs stay leashed at all times. Jacobsen got the idea in downtown Olympia, when he saw dogs waiting outside a local pub on a cold, rainy day. His thinking was that if people can bring dogs into hotels and stores, why not bars and restaurants? On the one hand, I really like this idea. I … Continue reading

The Sam Simon Foundation and the “Dog Nut”

More and more as I get older I find myself getting a little bit jaded about the world we live in. Too much of a gap between the haves and the have nots, too many who are in positions to do good with their fame and/or wealth but don’t, too much emphasis on the negative, etc. But every once in a while I stumble across a story of good that renews my faith in people. On Sunday night I ran across such a story while watching 60 Minutes. Morley Safer did a piece called “Meet Sam Simon, The Dog Nut.” … Continue reading