Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008

Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. Don’t worry about the missing last week of blogs. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about where I have been. The Baby Blog tends to go on hiatus the last week of the month. That may change in the … Continue reading

Too Many Dead Baby Birds

I was out walking my two dogs this afternoon… and saw a weird lump on the sidewalk. As we got closer, my eyes and brain puzzled the lump into a shape. It was a dead baby bird. A few feet away, there was another sad little lump that turned out to be a baby bird. I looked in the landscaping nearby to see if I could find a nest, but I couldn’t. But we do have a LOT of cats roaming around the complex, both indoor/outdoor cats and feral cats. I fear that the baby birds (and the entire nest) … Continue reading

Not So Wild Cats in the Neighborhood

At the cats-only boarding facility, we keep an eye out for abandoned or feral cats. Leftover food from the guests is set out twice a day for our “regulars”. We even do our best to catch, spay or neuter, and find homes for the feral cats who hang out behind the building. But those aren’t the only abandoned kitties I deal with. There’s a sizable abandoned cat population at the apartment complex where I live. There are two in particular who live and hang out right by my door: a pair of mostly black kitties. One is extremely friendly; the … Continue reading