My Favorite Pet Blogs from the Past Year

Below is a list of my favorite articles I wrote during the past year, often with an explanation of what made them memorable. Five Non-Cash Ways to Help Animals/Shelters this Holiday Season: This was my first article to have a comment left on it. Is It Ever Okay to Kick a Dog?: This was my first article to ever get stars. The BMK Fund: This practice is very near and dear to my heart and it was neat to have a platform such as blogging for to share it on. How to Put Your Shopping Dollars to Work Helping … Continue reading

The Things He Does for Love: Ghost Hunting Classes

Ever since we moved to Nashville and got cable, I’ve been introduced to a whole slew of new TV entertainment. I wrote about how we’re addicted to MTV’s The Hills, but I’m also nuts for Sci Fi’s Ghost Hunters. Heck, I’m nuts about all things ghost period. I signed up to receive a newsletter from a local ghost hunting group here in Nashville, the Adsagsona Paranormal Society. They hold meetings once a month that I’ve been wanting to attend, but something always seems to come up that prevents me from checking them out. However, the other day on their Yahoo! … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Apr 9-15

This week guest blogger Heather Long (whose regular blogs you may have read in Marriage and Fitness) joined Aimee and myself here in the Pets Blog. We covered a lot, so without further ado, here’s what we covered on: Monday, April 9 Unfortunately, I reported the tragedy of the Jacksonville Humane Society burning to the ground after a friend back in Jacksonville emailed to tell me about it. Aimee was chalk full of helpful tips for moving with small/exotic pets. Tuesday, April 10 It’s Prevent Cruelty to Animals Month. Did you get your orange on for ASCPA day to show … Continue reading

Tragedy: The Jacksonville Humane Society Burns to the Ground

Photo by Jakub Alaborski Today I logged onto the computer and checked my email like I do every morning. I had a surprise waiting: an email from my good friend Karen in Jacksonville, Florida. (a.k.a. Aunt Karen to Murph, Kitty, and now Tabby. She’s also the mom of Tucker, the 80 pound wonder dog, Murph’s all-time best friend.) Karen and her husband Michael are busy people. (They’re pet photographers who are usually either busy planning a shoot or traveling to one.) So I’m always delighted when she finds time to write. Except, today’s news broke my heart. According to the … Continue reading