Celebrating a Second Anniversary as a Pets Blogger

Two years ago today I officially started on with Families.com as one of their newest Pets Bloggers. Ironically enough, two years later on my anniversary date, here I’ve turned in my two weeks notice. (I just realized as I started writing this that I did that on my start date anniversary.) It’s been a good ride, a very fun ride, and an amazingly informative one. I’ll still be around for the next couple of weeks, but I wanted to take a moment and reflect on some of my favorite blogs from the past couple of years. A Few of My … Continue reading

Treating Flatulence in Pets

For the last week or so, my German shepherd mix Moose has been extremely gassy. I used to think my dog Miko had bad gas (he would toot when he was nervous — even the vet had to open a window) but this is pretty awful. In Moose’s case, I don’t think nerves are the problem. He’s a pretty laid-back dog most of the time. Since his encounter with Giardia over the summer, he’s been a little more sensitive in the stomach. I wonder if the irritation hasn’t developed into some form of inflammatory bowel disease. The first thing I’m … Continue reading

Stinky Pinky

Several months ago, we received a phone call from my sister, the animal advocate. She had temporary custody of a white female boxer. The dog was approximately three to four years old, was overused for breeding purposes, and had been physically abused. Would we be interested in adopting her? She knew our circumstances. I had an older poodle when the boys came to live with us. She was my mom’s dog and when my mother passed away she transferred her emotional dependence to me. She was not a child’s dog in any way. Prissy was a miniature apricot poodle, advanced … Continue reading