Meals to Share with Your Dog

I’ve recently been introduced to BARK magazine (the vet who owns the cats-only boarding facility has a subscription) and they had a recipe in the April 2008 issue that sounds absolutely delicious: meatloaf made with lean meat, oatmeal, and veggies. The recipe creators probably didn’t plan on readers like me who wanted to make the dish for themselves… but it got me thinking. There are probably lots of meals that would be nutritious and delicious for both pups and people. Dogs need foods from many of the same food groups humans do: Meats/proteins like ground beef, turkey, or chicken. Fruits … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for May 12-18

What sort of personal anecdotes, as well as helpful info and animal folktales, did Aimee and I share with you last week? If you can’t answer that because you missed any days, check out the handy Week in Review below. Monday, May 12 Since the stroke, my mom’s being talking about “going home.” I wondered when it’s time for me to “go home” who will be waiting for me? Aimee told about her Mother’s Day and the nice things her friends (and dogs) did to make it special. Tuesday, May 13 An article Aimee read led her to ponder the … Continue reading

Treating Your Dog’s Diarrhea

Once upon a time Aimee wrote an article about her adventures with POOPAPALOOZA 2006. (Which is pretty darn amusing by the way. Gross, but amusing.) At any rate, I was reminded of that article when Murph had major tummy troubles recently. Thankfully Murph did not follow Moose’s lead and leave any “Lake Poop-eriors” anywhere. He’s pretty good about pestering us mercilessly to let him out if we’re around to pester. Which is good, because he was dealing with some pretty nasty, messy, runny poop. And a lot of it. I ended up taking him to the vet because the things … Continue reading

FDA Approves Cancer Drug for Canines

When our four-legged friends battle cancer, they often do it using the same medications used to fight cancer in humans. Until this week, human cancer drugs were the only type of cancer drug available to veterinarians. But now the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Palladia — a drug made specifically for treating cancer in dogs. Palladia was made to treat cutaneous mast cell tumors — a type of cancer that is to blame for approximately one out of every five cases of skin cancer in dogs. Some of these tumors are small and easily removed; in some dogs, … Continue reading

Two Upset Tummies (and One Upset Aimee)

Over the weekend, I noticed that Moose wasn’t feeling well. My first indication? He threw up in the office. That was just the beginning of what has turned into a very long few days of recurring barf and poop. I was sure at first that Moose’s upset tummy was the result of scarfing down those chicken bones in the parking lot. I cooked up some rice and chicken broth and hoped things in digestion-land would settle down. By Monday morning, Moose seemed to be feeling better. I started mixing kibbles in with the rice and broth. But I was being … Continue reading

Intestinal Parasites: Worms

I’ve got the creeps just thinking about it — all the different types of worms that can infest a dog or cat’s intestines. Yuck! But keeping your pet safe from worms is a real part of pet ownership. When you bring your pet in for an annual exam, you usually have to bring a stool sample. Two types of worms — roundworms and tapeworms — can be seen in feces with the naked eye. Other worms are too small to be seen without a microscope. So don’t forget to bring that sample along! If your pet has worms, the eggs … Continue reading