Would You Lease A Pet?

If you’re thinking about getting a pet but aren’t sure you can handle the responsibility, you still have a few options.  Consider volunteering for a shelter, pet-sitting for a friend, or fostering a pet; there are even some short-term fostering situations.  If none of these appeal to you, or if you have a little extra money to spend on your pet, you now have another option: lease a pet.  MSN has the details. A company called Hannah’s Pet Society has started a new business: leasing pets.  Here’s how it works: interested parties go to one of the company’s two stores … Continue reading

Cold-Weather Gear for Your Pet

As the weather turns colder for most of us, it’s time to get our coats out of the back of the closet. Some of our pets require winter apparel as well, and ZooToo has a rundown of some of the latest products out on the market for keeping your pets warm. You can go with the traditional cute little sweaters and jackets that fill aisles at pet stores, or you can try something a bit different for your pets this winter. What you need depends on you and your pet’s lifestyle, so we’ll take a look at three different types. … Continue reading

Jealousy Between Pets

We can coexist, until you’re involved My pets get jealous of one another. Chihiro and Cole, for all that they tolerate and even sometimes enjoy one another’s company, compete for attention. Chihiro is really only competitive for attention when a) there’s food involved, or b) someone new has come over to the house. If someone’s visiting they’re not likely to get much time with the cats, because Chihiro is a bully. Even if she is ignoring the new person, she’ll suddenly come out and muscle the cats away if they try to come out and greet the visitor. She has … Continue reading

The Trend Toward Co-Blogging and Blog Contributors

I first began blogging about two years ago. Up until that point I had not even read a blog. I began blogging to house my writing and share my thoughts. I never intended for blogging to become an important part of my life. I’m a wife with four kids and a business. That last thing I needed was another thing on my plate. However, soon blogging became a passion of mine. In my time on the blogosphere I noticed an interesting trend. Solo bloggers are starting to become group bloggers. The trend is not lost on me. I contribute to … Continue reading

What’s Your Dream Pet?

A topic I’ve been playing with for a while on the families.com pets forums is: what’s your dream pet? As an animal lover since childhood I’ve gone through many species I’ve wanted to keep as pets, and it’s always fun to hear what other people dream about as well. My dream pets are usually wild species; there’s actually a chance of me getting to keep a teacup pig, for example, but I’ll never get to have a tiger as my personal friend and protector like Jasmine did in “Aladdin.” I know better than to actually try to keep any sort … Continue reading

Rare Pets: Axolotls

Usually in the Rare Pets column I cover animals that are uncommon pets, but still species of which most readers of heard. Today I’m going to look at a truly rare pet, one some of you might not have known existed until today: the axolotl. The axolotl is a type of salamander, native to Mexico, so in that it’s not an unheard-of pet. It certainly looks like a strange kind of salamander, however, which prompts its common nickname: water dragon. Despite its odd appearance and perhaps off-putting (or for some, encouraging) moniker, however, axolotls can make good pets. Here are … Continue reading

What to Consider When Getting Another Pet

Room for more? Most pet owners are animal lovers and that often means we want multiple pets. We know, however, that we can’t be pet hoarders; we have to draw the line somewhere. How do we know where that line is? I’m thinking about getting another cat. Cole gets lonely both overnight (cats tend to be nocturnal) and when we are away for long. My dog Chihiro doesn’t play with him as much as she used to. The perfect solution is another feline companion. But how to know if that’s the right thing to do? When thinking about getting an … Continue reading

Understanding the Relationship Between Pets and Allergies

Does your allergic child want a puppy? Can having a cat or dog in your house cause your baby to become allergic to animals? It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to allergies, pets, and what is safest for your child. Before you decide to ban all animals from your home, forever, there are some things you should know about pet related allergies. There are many parents who will not consider getting a dog or cat until after their baby gets older. Some parents will hold off until their child is in preschool, or may … Continue reading

Getting Punchy

In addition to my sticker addiction, I am also quite fond of the paper punch. I love me a cute paper punch. However, since I scrapbook on a budget, I must be mindful of the types of paper punches I invest in. Whereas I would love to go punchy buying a bunch of shaped paper punches, I tend to purchase ones that are extremely versatile. My current favorite is the scalloped edge punch. I use my scallop paper punch to create page borders and photo frames. In addition, you could use a tiny scallop punch to make strips to divide … Continue reading

Getting Organized

Keeping your scrapbook supplies organized is not only a good way to save money, but it also helps keep your children safe. My young daughter is attracted to my colorful scrapbooking tools like a moth to a flame. She loves getting her hands on stickers, stamps, buttons and ribbon. However, her favorite items are my sharp tools, especially my collection of “fancy” scissors, which she likes to steal and use to cut her doll’s hair. By keeping my scrapbook stash organized and out of reach I don’t have to worry about her getting hurt. Consider placing very small embellishments that … Continue reading