The Pets Blog Week in Review for January 14-20

Aimee and I once again strove to bring you a slew of interesting, thought provoking, and otherwise entertaining articles last week. In case you missed any days, here’s the recap of what we wrote on: Monday, January 14 Would You Make a Good Parent for a Deaf Pet? It’s hard enough being a stray in a shelter, but imagine being a deaf one. The chances for adoption go even lower. My plea was to consider adopting such a pet to give them a fair chance too. Tuesday, January 15 Shelters are Bad Enough, Deplorable in Tennessee For some reason the … Continue reading

What Were Those Eagles Thinking?

Yesterday on my way to the grocery store I was listening to the radio. As I pulled into the parking lot the announcer was getting ready to talk about news stories. “In Alaska, nearly two dozen bald eagles are dead after an unfortunate encounter with a truck.” Say what? Instead of shutting off the engine and going inside as planned, I hung around to hear why so many of these once endangered species had died at once. Them Crazy Birds Turns out they were responsible for their own demise. The temptation? A truck full of fish waste outside of a … Continue reading

“I Want to Be a Singer When I Grow Up.”

HELLO READERS! I’m back blogging after an unexpected hiatus. I must say, I needed the break. However, I feel a bit like somebody getting back on the exercise bike after a long self-indulgent vacation–somewhat saddle sore. I truly appreciate those of you who have rifled through my archives in my absence. Tonight during dinner, Kyle said, “I want to be a singer when I grow up.” I love that statement, and I’ve been pondering it for a while. It demonstrates that Kyle is thinking about the future, at least in a limited way, which is hard for autistic children. I … Continue reading