Why Is My Goldfish Changing Colors?

Not all goldfish are gold! Even a goldfish that starts life a bright shade of orange may change colors throughout his life. There are different reasons why a goldfish may change colors. Diet changes, poor quality food, and parasites can leave you with a fish of a different color. Genetics play a big part in goldfish color. Moors (black goldfish) may be cross-bred with telescopes (goldfish of any other color) to improve body shape or vision. The baby goldfish from a moor/telescope breeding may or may not change colors. Some baby goldfish stay black all their lives. Some change colors … Continue reading

Common Freshwater Fish Diseases

Yes, even fish can get sick! Here is a list of some common freshwater fish diseases, symptoms, and treatments. Before you treat your fish, be sure you properly diagnose your fish and figure out why they are sick. There may be water quality or food issues that need to be taken care of before you can cure your fish! Many diseases are a result of the stress of transport, so take time to acclimate your fish to your tank. Ammonia poisoning — symptoms include red or inflamed gills. You may see your fish gasping for air at the surface of … Continue reading