Microchip Law Passed in the U.K.

The British government has just passed a controversial new law: all dogs are required to have microchips by 2016.  After then, the owners of any dogs found without microchips will be fined the equivalent of nearly $800.  The government isn’t marching door to door testing dogs for microchips, but the owners of any unchipped dogs taken to shelters will face the fine when they come to pick up their dog. The move is controversial because it’s seen as the government interfering too much in private affairs, as an Orwellian move.  Officials say they have everyone’s best interests at heart.  No … Continue reading

Compounding Pet Medications: Is It Safe?

It can be tricky getting them to take their meds One of the latest health scares has been over a strain of meningitis that’s killed multiple people. According to WebMD, the meningitis originates from a compounding pharmacy in Massachusetts. Compounding is the practice of putting more than one type of medication in a pill, or basically changing the medication in some way from its original formula. How is this relevant for the pet owner? Compounding is a common practice in pet medications. Before you worry: the meningitis came from a human medication for back pain and it seems the authorities … Continue reading

What’s Best for a Cat: Inside or Outside?

Did you know that attitudes toward cats are almost completely opposite in the United States verses the United Kingdom? Not the entire thought about cats, but whether or not they should go outside. In America a popular thought is that it’s better to keep the cat inside. Conversely, in Great Britain it’s often considered cruel not to give a cat the option of going outdoors. Our neighbors lived for a while in England. They applied to the RSPCA for a cat and were almost denied because they didn’t have a kitty door that would allow the cat to go inside … Continue reading

Why My Veterinarian Is the Best

(but my cat doesn’t think so) Last Thursday I took Cole to the vet for his annual visit. Although I didn’t get many more answers there than I did when Chrestomanci had his trip, I left much more satisfied. I’m just continually reminded why I love my vet. I brought up my questions about Cole’s behavioral antics and, unfortunately (though I suspected as much) the vet didn’t really have any advice for me. She said many cats enjoy being in high places, and that there’s not a lot to do to deter them. I asked whether he would be happier … Continue reading

Spending on Pets Skyrockets

Despite our recession (though apparently it’s recovering), some industries are on the rise. One of them, according to BBC News, is the pet industries. That’s right, in a time when pet food banks are growing at Animal Control facilities across the country and some people are still losing/struggling to stay in their homes, Americans are spending more on their pets than ever before. As you might guess, 65% of the overall amount spent is on food and veterinary costs. More people are also buying pet insurance. Maybe this just indicates that more people are looking to own more pets. This … Continue reading

The Long-Awaited Vet Visit

Yesterday I took Chrestomanci to the vet. I’d been looking forward to this for a couple reasons: one, for advice about all the feeding/misbehaving issues, and two, to compare vets. The visit was disappointing in many ways, but at least it cleared up one issue for me. First I’ll explain what issue it cleared up. I take Chihiro and Cole to a vet that’s five minutes from our old apartment, but closer to twenty-five minutes from our house. I’ve had really good experiences there. But I also have heard a lot about another veterinarian in the county, both through personal … Continue reading

VPI Has List of Presidential Pets

The letters VPI stand for Veterinary Pet Insurance. They are the pet insurance company that does the annual Hambone award. Their website also has tons of helpful information for pet owners, and an interesting blog. They just put together a brief list of Presidential pets. It makes a certain amount of sense for VPI to compile a list of Presidential pets on their blog, right in time for Presidents Day. Washington’s birthday is just a few days away. That makes Presidential pets a very timely topic. One cannot assume that all of the pets mentioned on the VPI blog were … Continue reading

Reusing Pill Bottles

I guess technically, it is not very green to take prescription medication to begin with, but if you are like me, you see your prescription drug list growing. I have vitamins and allergy medicine that only lasts a month. Then, I throw the bottle in the garbage, go to the drugstore, and get more pills – in another bottle. I don’t know if the druggist will let you reuse a bottle, although I cannot imagine why not if your name was on the bottle. Anyhow, what can you do with all these bottles instead of throwing them in the trash? … Continue reading

Deceased Dog Granted Legal Status Beyond Property

Legally pets are considered property. It’s relevant related to insurance claims or custody and other legal proceedings. It seems harsh to many, including myself, because in both instances it can lead to decisions that don’t seem to take into account that most people love their animals like family members. Now a Texas court has changed the game. The Second Court of Appeals in Fort Worth made a ruling in a case that gave dogs increased status above property. Dogster.com has the full story. One day the worst happened for an unnamed couple in the Fort Worth area. Their dog, Avery, … Continue reading

When Your Cat Is A Food Thief

My cat Chrestomanci’s gluttony has continued to the point that it warrants another post. When I was trying to find ideas for how to address his overeating problems I scoured the internet for suggestions, but I didn’t find much advice. Thus I wanted to share my own experiences to help others in a similar situation. After observing the cats’ gluttony during the holidays, Jon and I performed an experiment. We’ve long suspected that Chrestomanci was eating some of Cole’s food. Usually we keep their bowls in the laundry room, which they can access via a cat door, so their food … Continue reading