The Pets Blog Week in Review for January 28 – February 3

So long January, hello February. Here’s the articles Aimee and I wrote to round out one month and start another. Monday, January 28 Sad Stray Pup Update The stray pup I helped puppy sit a couple weeks back was reunited with his owners, but I wasn’t too pleased to find out who they were. Code Red: Planning for Pets When Emergencies Call You Away What to do with the pets if your family lives in one state, you live in another, and there’s a death in the family? Tuesday, January 29 Planning for Pets When Emergencies Call You Away: A … Continue reading

Wipey Feet

My dog Lally does a funny little dance after she goes to the bathroom. She scrapes her back feet against the grass: right, right, left, left. I call it “wipey feet” (as opposed to Happy Feet, I guess). The topic came up in one of the dog lover sites I frequent, and nobody had a definitive answer. Why do some dogs wipe their feet after they piddle or poop? No expert in wipe-ology came forward to solve the mystery. All we could do was make some educated guesses. Some folks thought it might be similar to a cat burying messes … Continue reading

The War of the Smells

Ah, spring. When a young dog’s fancy turns to the awakening smells of the world around her (or him). I’ve already had to declare war on mud. People warned me when I moved to the Pacific Northwest that it would be rainy and it would be muddy. The rain, I can handle. I’ve got a knee-length waterproof coat with a deep hood and plenty of pockets for poo bags. But Moose, Lally, and I track in lots of mud. These days, the war on mud is mostly under control. I’m now the proud owner of TWO vacuums — one small, … Continue reading

The Pick-Up Police

Sometimes, I feel like I’m the only person in my apartment complex who bothers to pick up after my dogs. Straying from the paved paths is like walking through a field of doggy doo landmines. Sometimes even the paths aren’t safe! To be honest, I’m not sure what I can do to get people to pick up after their pets. I’ve come up with a few ideas: There are four doggy bag depots around the complex. Maybe more would help? Leave extra bags at the entrance to each unit. I’ve tried tying spare baggies to the railings so they would … Continue reading